Monday, September 30, 2019

Biological Effects Of Radiation Environmental Sciences Essay

Radiation describes a procedure in which energetic atoms or moving ridges travel through a medium or infinite. There are two distinguishable types of radiation ; ionising and non-ionizing. The word radiation is normally used in mention to ionising radiation merely holding sufficient energy to ionise an atom but it may besides mention to non-ionizing radiation illustration like wireless moving ridges or seeable visible radiation. The energy radiates travels outward in consecutive lines in all waies from its beginning. This geometry of course leads to a system of measuring and physical that is every bit applicable to all types of radiation. Both ionising and non-ionizing radiation can be harmful to beings and can ensue in alterations to the natural environment. Radiation with sufficiently high energy can ionise atoms. Most frequently, this occurs when an negatron is stripped from an negatron shell, which leaves the atom with a net positive charge. Because cells are made of atoms, this ionisation can ensue in malignant neoplastic disease. An single cell is made of millions of atoms. The chance of ionising radiation doing malignant neoplastic disease is dependent upon the dose rate of the radiation and the sensitiveness of the being being irradiated. Alpha atoms, Beta atoms, Gamma and X-Ray radiation, and Neutrons may all be accelerated to a high plenty energy to ionise atoms. Alpha atom: In alpha atom, the self-generated procedure of emanation of an alpha atom from a radioactive karyon. Alpha atom is by and large termed as alpha decay. An alpha atom is emitted by a heavy karyon. The karyon, called parent karyon has a really big internal energy and is unstable. An alpha atom is a He nucleus holding two protons and two neutrons. When two negatrons revolving around the karyon of He atom are knocked out wholly, we have double ionized He atom known as alpha atom. Beta atom: a beta-particle is a fast moving negatron. The self-generated procedure of emanation of beta-particle from a radioactive karyon is called beta decay. Beta decay is of three types: beta-minus, beta-plus, and electron gaining control. Beta-minus: beta-minus is like an negatron. It is surprising that nucleus contains no negatron, so a karyon can breathe negatron. In the neutron inside the karyon is converted in to a proton and an negatron like atom. This negatron like atom is emitted by the karyon during beta-decay. In beta-minus decay, neutron in the karyon is converted in to a proton and a beta-minus atom is emitted so that the ratio of neutron to proton lessenings and therefore the nucleus becomes stable. Beta-plus: In a beta-plus decay, a proton is converted in to a neutron and a antielectron is emitted if a karyon has more protons than neutrons. Electron gaining control: In negatron gaining control, nucleus absorbs one of the interior negatrons go arounding around it and hence a atomic proton becomes a neutron and a neutrino is emitted. Electron gaining control is comparable with a antielectron emanation as the procedures lead to the same atomic transmutation. However, in negatron gaining control occurs more often than antielectron emanation in heavy elements. This is because the orbits of negatrons in heavy elements have same radii and hence orbital negatrons are really near to the karyon. Gamma beam: Gamma beams are the high energy packages of electromagnetic radiation. Gamma radiations have high energy photons. They do non hold any charge and their comparative remainder mass is zero. Gamma-decay it is the self-generated procedure of emanation of high energy photon from a radioactive karyon. When a radioactive karyon emits a beta atom, the girl karyon is excited to the higher energy province. This aroused karyon beams are emitted by the girl nucleus so it is clear that the emanation of gamma beams follows the emanation of alpha or beta atom.Non ionising radiation:Non-ionizing signifiers of radiation on life tissue have merely late been studied. Alternatively of bring forthing charged ions when go throughing through affair, the electromagnetic radiation has sufficient energy to alter merely the rotational, quiver or electronic valency constellations of molecules and atoms. However, different biological effects are observed for different types of non-ionizing radiation Radio moving ridges: Radio moving ridges whose wavelengths range from than 10^4m to 0.1m, are the consequence of charges speed uping through carry oning wires. They are generated by such electronic devices as LC oscillators are used in wireless and telecasting communicating system. Infrared beams: Infrared radiations have wavelength runing from about 0.3m to 10^ -4m and besides generated by the electronic devices. The infrared radiation energy absorbed by a substance as internal energy because the energy agitates the object ‘s atoms, increasing their quiver or translational gesture, which consequences temperature increases. Infrared radiation has practical and scientific application in many countries, including physical therapy, infrared radiation picture taking, and quiver spectrometry. Ultraviolet radiation: Ultraviolet radiation screen wavelength runing from about 4X10^4m to 6X10^-10m. The Sun is an of import beginning of ultraviolet radiation visible radiation, which is the chief cause of tan. Sunscreen locations are crystalline to seeable visible radiation but greater per centum of UV visible radiation absorbed. Ultraviolet beams have besides been implicated I the formation of cataracts. Most of the UV visible radiation from the Sun is absorbed by ozone molecules in the Earth upper ambiance, in a bed called stratosphere. This ozone shield converts lethal high energy UV radiation to infrared radiation, which in bends warm the stratosphere. X raies: X raies have the scope from approximately10^-8 to 10^-12m. The most common beginning of X raies is halting of high energy negatrons upon the pelting a metal mark. X raies are used as nosologies tool in medical specialty and as the intervention for certain signifiers of malignant neoplastic disease. Because X raies can damage or destruct living tissue and being, attention must be taken avoid necessary exposure or over-exposure. X raies are besides used in the survey of crystal construction because x-rays wavelengths are comparable to the atomic separation distance in solids. Electromagnetic radiation: The wave nature of electromagnetic radiation explains assorted phenomena like intervention, diffraction and polarisation. However, wave nature of electromagnetic radiation, could explicate phenomena like photoelectric consequence, Compton Effect. The cathode rays consist of negative charged atoms called negatrons which are the component of an atom and therefore the component of affair. Harmonizing to the construct of radiation illustration light moving ridge ‘s wireless moving ridges, X raies, microwaves etc. are assumed to transport energy in packages or packages known as photons or quanta.Biological consequence of radiation:In biological consequence of radiation, there are many unsafe effects of our wellness and organic structure. Biological effects of radiation are typically can be divided into two classs. The first category consist of exposure to high doses of radiation over shots period of clip bring forthing ague or short term effects. The 2nd class represents exposure to low doses of radiation over an drawn-out period of clip bring forthing chronic or long term effects. High dosage ( acute ) : high doses tend to kill cells, while low doses tend to damage or alter them. High doses can kill so many cells that tissues and variety meats are damaged. This is bend may do a rapid whole organic structure response frequently called the ague radiation syndrome ( ARS ) . Low doses ( chronic ) : low doses spread out over long periods of clip do n't do an immediate job to any organic structure organ. The effects of low doses of radiation occur at the degree of the cell, and the consequences may non be observed for many old ages. Although we tend to tie in high doses of radiation with ruinous events such as atomic arms detonations, there have been documented instances of persons deceasing from exposures to high doses of radiation ensuing from tragic events. High effects of radiation: high effects of radiation are skin Burnss, hair loss, asepsis, cataracts. Effectss of skin include ( blushing like tan ) , dry ( skining ) , and moist ( vesicating ) . Skin effects are more likely to happen with exposure to moo energy gamma, x-ray, or beta radiation. Most of the energy of the radiation sedimentation in the skin surface. The dosage required for erythematic to happen is comparatively high, in surplus of 300 radiations. Blistering requires a dosage in surplus of 1,200 radiations. Hair loss, besides called epilation, is similar to clamber effects and can happen after acute doses of about 500 radiations. Asepsis can be impermanent or lasting in males, depending upon the doses. To bring forth lasting asepsis, a dosage in surplus of 400 radiations is required to the generative variety meats. Cataracts ( a clouding of the lens of the oculus ) appear to hold a threshold about 200 radiations. Neutrons are particularly effectual in bring forthing cataracts, because the oculus has high H2O content, which is peculiarly effectual in halting neutrons.High dose effects:Dose ( radiation ) consequence observed15-25 blood count alterations. 50 blood count alteration in single. 100 Vomiting ( threshold ) . 150 Death ( threshold ) .Classs of effects of exposure to low doses of radiation:There are three general classs of effects ensuing from exposure to low doses of radiation. These are: Familial: the consequence is suffered by the progeny of the person exposed. Bodily: the consequence is chiefly suffered by the person exposed. Since malignant neoplastic disease is the primary consequence, it is sometimes called the carcinogenic consequence. In-utero: some erroneously consider this to be a familial effect of radiation exposure, because the consequence, suffered by a development is after birth. However, this is really a particular instance of the bodily consequence, since the embryo is the 1 to the radiation. Radiation hazard: the approximative hazards for the three chief effects to degree of radiation are: In familial consequence, hazard from 1 paradoxical sleep of radiation exposure to the generative variety meats about 50 to 1,000 clip ‘s less than self-generated hazard for assorted anomalousnesss. In bodily consequence, for radiation induced malignant neoplastic disease, the hazard estimation is developing any type of malignant neoplastic disease. However non all malignant neoplastic diseases are associated with exposure to radiation. The hazard from deceasing from radiation induced malignant neoplastic disease is about one half the hazard of acquiring the malignant neoplastic disease. In utero: Spontaneous hazards of foetal abnormalcies are about 5 to 30 times greater than hazard of exposure to 1 paradoxical sleep radiation. However, the hazard of child goon malignant neoplastic disease from exposure in utero is about the same as the hazard to grownups exposed to radiation exposures. Linear no-threshold hazard theoretical account: general consensus among experts is that some radiation dosage by a additive, no threshold theoretical account. This theoretical account is accepted by the NRC since it appears to be most conservative. Linear: an addition in dose grownups in a relative addition in hazard. No-threshold: any dosage, no affair how little, produces some hazard. The hazard does non get down at 0 because there is some hazard of malignant neoplastic disease, even with no occupational exposure. Exposure to radiation is warrant of injury. However, because of the additive, no-threshold theoretical account, more exposure means more hazard, and there is no dosage of radiation so little that it will non hold some consequence.Effects OF RADIATION ON CELLSIonizing radiation absorbed by human tissue has adequate energy to take negatrons from the atoms that make up molecules of the tissue. When the negatron that was shared by the two atoms to organize a molecular bond is dislodged by ionising radiation, the bond is broken and therefore, the molecule falls apart. This is a basic theoretical account for understanding radiation harm. When ionising radiation interacts with cells, it may or may non strike a critical portion of the cell. We consider the chromosomes to be the most critical portion of the cell since they contain the familial information and ins tructions required for the cell to execute its map and to do transcripts of it for reproduction intents. Besides, there are really effectual fix mechanisms at work invariably which fix cellular harm – including chromosome harm.Uses of radiation: Nuclear natural philosophies application are highly widespread in fabrication, medical specialty in biological science, we present a few of these application and implicit in theories back uping them. Tracing: Radioactive tracers are used to track chemicals take parting in assorted reactions. One of the most valuable utilizations of radioactive tracers in medical specialty. For illustration, I, a food needed by the human organic structure, is obtained mostly through consumption of iodinated salt and sea nutrient. Radiation therapy: Radiation causes much harm to quickly spliting cells. Therefore, it is utile in malignant neoplastic disease intervention because tumour cells divide highly quickly. Several mechanisms can be used to present radiation to a tumour. In some instances, a narrow beam of X ray or radiation from a beginning such as 60co is used. In other state of affairs, thin radioactive acerate leafs called seeds are implanted in the cancerous tissue. The radioactive isotope 131I is used to handle malignant neoplastic disease of the thyroid. Black organic structure radiation: An object at any temperature emits electromagnetic moving ridges in the signifier of thermic radiation from its surface. The features of this radiation depend on the temperature and belongingss of the object ‘s surface. Thermal radiation originates from accelerated charged atoms in the atoms near the surface of the object ; those charged atoms emit radiation much as little aerials do. The thermally radiation agitated atoms can hold a distribution of energies, which accounts for the uninterrupted spectrum of radiation emitted by the object. The basic job was in understanding the ascertained distribution of wavelengths in the radiation emitted by a black organic structure. A black organic structure is an ideal system that absorbs all radiation incidents on it. The electromagnetic radiation emitted by the black organic structure is called black body radiation. Radiation harm: Radiation harm means that electromagnetic is all about in the signifier of wireless moving ridges, microwaves, light moving ridges so on. The grade and type of harm depend on several factors, including the type and energy of the radiation and belongingss of the affair. Radiation harm in biological being is chiefly due to ionization effects in cells. A cell ‘s normal operation may be disrupted when extremely reactive ions are formed as the consequence of ionising radiation. Large those of radiation are particularly unsafe because harm to a great figure of molecules in a cell may do to decease. In biological systems, it is common to divide radiation harm in two classs: bodily harm and familial harm. Bodily harm is that associated with any organic structure cell except the generative cells. Bodily harm can take to malignant neoplastic disease or can earnestly change the features of specific being. Familial harm affects merely generative cells. Damage to the cistrons in generative cells can take to faulty cells. It is of import to be the aware of the consequence of nosologies interventions, such as X raies and other signifiers of radiation exposure, and to equilibrate the important benefits of intervention with the detrimental effects. Damage caused by the radiation besides depends on the radiation ‘s perforating power. Alpha particles cause extended harm, but penetrate merely to shoal deepness in a stuff due to strength interaction with other charged atoms. Neutrons do non interact via the electric force and hence penetrate deeper, doing important harm. Gamma beams are high energy photons that can do serve harm, but frequently pass through affair without interactions. For example- a given dosage of alpha atom causes approximately 10 times more biological harm produced by radiation than equal dosage of X raies. The RBE ( comparative biological effectivity ) factor for a given type of radiation is the figure of rads of X ray or gamma radiation that produces the same biological harm as 1-rad of the radiation is being used. Radiation sensors: Atoms go throughing through affair interact with the affair in several ways. The atoms can, for example- ionize atoms, spread from atoms, or be absorbed by atoms. Radiation sensors exploit these interactions to let a measuring of the atom ‘s energy, impulse, or alteration and sometimes the very being of the atom if it is otherwise hard to observe. Assorted devices have been developed for observing radiation. These devices are used for a assortment of intents, including medical diagnosings, radioactive dating measuring, mensurating back land radiation, and mensurating the mass, energy, and impulse of atoms is created in high-energy atomic reaction.Consequence OF RADIATION ON HUMANSA really little sum of ionising radiation could trip malignant neoplastic disease in the long term even though it may take decennaries for the malignant neoplastic disease to look. Ionizing radiation ( x-rays, radon gas, radioactive stuff ) can do leukaemia and thyroid malignant neop lastic disease. There is no uncertainty that radiation can do malignant neoplastic disease, but there still is a inquiry of what degree of radiation it takes to do malignant neoplastic disease. Quickly spliting cells are more susceptible to radiation harm. Examples of radiosensitive cells are blood organizing cells ( bone marrow ) , enteric liner, hair follicles and foetuss. Hence, these develop malignant neoplastic disease foremost. If a individual is exposed to radiation, particularly high dosage, there are predictable alterations in our organic structure that can be measured. The figure of blood cells, the frequence of chromosome aberrances in the blood cells and the sum of radioactive stuff in piss, are illustrations of biomarkers that can bespeak if one is exposured high dosage. If you do non hold early biological alterations indicated by these measurings the radiation exposure will non present an immediate menace to you.Radiation toxic conditionRadiation toxic condition, radiation illness or a crawl dosage, is a signifier of harm to organ tissue caused by inordinate exposure to ionising radiation. The term is by and large used to mention to acute jobs caused by a big dose of radiation in a short period, though this besides has occurred with long term exposure. The clinical name for radiation illness is acute radiation syndrome as described by the CDC A chronic radiation syndrome does be but is really uncomm on ; this has been observed among workers in early Ra beginning production sites and in the early yearss of the Soviet atomic plan. A short exposure can ensue in acute radiation syndrome ; chronic radiation syndrome requires a drawn-out high degree of exposure. Radiation exposure can besides increase the chance of developing some other diseases, chiefly malignant neoplastic disease tumours, and familial harm. These are referred to as the stochastic effects of radiation, and are non included in the term radiation.Radiation ExposureRadiation is energy that travels in the signifier of moving ridges or high-velocity atoms. It occurs of course in sunshine and sound moving ridges. Man-made radiation is used in X-rays atomic arms, atomic power workss and malignant neoplastic disease intervention. If you are exposed to little sums of radiation over a long clip, it raises your hazard of malignant neoplastic disease. It can besides do mutants in your cistrons, which you could go through on to any kids you have after the exposure. A batch of radiation over a short period, such as from a radiation exigency can do Burnss or radiation illness. Symptoms of radiation illness include sickness, failing, hair loss, skin Burnss and decreased organ map. If the exposure is big plenty, it can do premature aging or even decease.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Mary Prince Essay

1. To what extent does the autobiography of Mary Prince tell her own story?. The following essay shall asses to what extent Mary Prince’s story was published in her own words after being recorded down by Susanna Strickland and then edited by Thomas Pringle for publication. With the passing of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act by the British parliament in 1807, the attention of the campaigners against the slave trade switched to the issue of slavery itself. Although the trading in slaves itself had been banned , nothing had been done to free those already enslaved within the British Empire. In 1823 several religious groups, politicians and abolitionist supporters came together to form the Anti- Slavery Society who campaigned on behalf of those enslaved to the right of freedom. It wasn’t until august 1833 that the Slave Emancipation Act was finally passed, giving all slaves currently living in bondage within the British Empire their freedom after a set period of years. The 1833 Act did not actually come into force until the 1st of August 1834 and although the many enslaved people in the British West Indies were no longer legally slaves, they were still exploited, inhumanly treated and often forced to work for low wages and inadequate housing by former masters. The text ‘The History of Mary Prince, a West Indian slave. Related by herself. ’ was one of many slave narratives used by religious abolitionist 2. groups such as the Quakers to promote their campaign and rally public interest and support. It was also the first slave narrative by a black female from the British Caribbean. Mary Prince was a Bermudan woman that was born into slavery through her parents who where also slaves. She was sold away from her mother and siblings when she was 12 years of age. After many years in slavery with different masters and in various locations she finally arrived in England where she was technically classed as a free woman and left her then owners Mr and Mrs Woods after being threatened with being thrown out into the streets. With nowhere to go Mary took shelter with a couple from the Moravian church she had been attending and within a short period of time was introduced to Thomas Pringle an active abolitionist writer, a poet and the secretary of the Anti-Slavery Society within whose household she was then employed. A request was made to Pringle by Prince to have her story recorded so that ‘good people in England might hear from a slave what a slave had felt and suffered‘. Pringle agreed to this request and asked Susanna Strickland to recorded Princes narrative so that he may edit and publish it. Pringle makes it clear in the preface of the text that Mary requested this herself by stating ‘The idea of writing Mary Prince’s history was first suggested by herself. ’ he states this as he felt it important that the reader was absolutely clear that Prince was not in anyway coerced into telling her story, possibly knowing that he would receive heavy criticism from pro-slavery groups declaring he had taken advantage of Prince being in his 3. employment and in a venerable position and convinced her into helping him create a religious propaganda pamphlet serving only to guilt Christians into supporting his campaign. Throughout the text Prince continuously challenges the ideals of enslaved woman. Prince shows us that she was not as typically submissive as most people in England may have thought, and, that she has an assertive nature and a sense of agency giving us exact examples of the times she had confronted masters and stood up to them ‘I then took courage and said that I could stand the floggings no longer; that I was weary of my life’ it could be said these examples were put in to show Prince clearly has enough agency to put her in a position to ask for her story to be published by an employer . The problem is would a Slave after running away for several days and being brought home by her father to her master, dare speak to her master in this way. Prince even goes onto say ‘He did not flog me that day. ’ this seems highly unusual as most runaways were harshly punished by their masters as an example to other slaves, of the consequences, of running away. We could take into consideration the use of language as Prince states she was not flogged ‘that day’ perhaps meaning the punishment came later but in order to keep the momentum of the story moving along the memory was cut short upon editing. Something that is quiet unusual about Princes narrative is the lack of content of the issues surrounding sexual abuse. This is peculiar as sex abuse 4. of slaves seemed to be a distinctive feature of West Indian life for slaves in the 18th and 19th century. Sandra Paquet argues that ’social and religious prohibitions surrounding sexually explicit material in nineteenth century Britain and legal liabilities attached to the publication of such tracts placed further constraints on Mary Prince’s individual voice. Thomas Pringle being part of the Evangelical movement was fully aware that middle aged white Christian housewives would not want to read about sexual abuse as this would have been distasteful and black slave women already had a reputation for being sexually promiscuous so this would have discredited Prince as a witness. That said, Mary carefully gives details of incidents that have a rather sexual overtone, speaking of her old master Mr D_ she says; He had an ugly fashion of stripping himself quiet naked and ordering me to then wash him in a tub of water. This was worse to me than all the licks. Sometimes when he called me to wash him I would not come, my eyes were full of shame. But it does not end there, prince goes on to inform the reader ‘for he was a very indecent man -very spiteful, and too indecent; with no shame for his servants, no shame for his own flesh. , here Prince has managed to keep this part of her story in the text by either knowing to tread carefully or by Pringle helping to prune it. Whilst Prince does not state that she has been sexually abused she hints an alludes to the idea that there was something very sexual in nature about the relationship between Mr D_ and the slaves he 5. owned. The preface of the text written by Thomas Pringle testifies to the truthfulness and authenticity of the narrative by saying ‘The narrative was taken down from Mary’s own lips’ also he states ‘ No fact of importance has been omitted, and not a single circumstance or sentiment has been added. this is a rather bold statement when put into the context that the narrative is being told by someone heavily reliant on memory. Sometimes things are remembered differently in hindsight. It is clear from the evidence of scars on Princes body (something Strickland claims to have seen with her own eyes) that she has been through a somewhat traumatic experience of slavery, so we have to question how that may have affected her memory and how much did Pringle fill in the blanks with his own input. An example is Princes memory of being sold off at the slave auction by her mother ‘I was then put up for sale. The bidding commenced at a few pounds, and gradually rose to fifty-seven,’ how can a girl of 12 years old, amongst the chaos of a thriving slave market, with the grief of being ripped apart from her mother and siblings heavy on her heart and after 30+ years of traumatising abuse, whilst being held in bondage, in all honesty remember the exact amount she was sold for. For it may seem a small detail but it does lead the reader to question the authenticity of the small details within Princes narrative. It could have been added later by Pringle to help the narrative read more flowingly as a story to help keep the reader interested. Pringle being a writer himself knew that 6. people were not interested in reading patchy stories that lacked sentiment and that are hard to follow ,so, he had to make it appealing to his audience. Drawing to conclusion the evidence that has been examined shows that the narrative does include Princes own voice, even though there is at times evidence to suggest that it could have been heavily edited and pruned. Despite this, between Prince’s voice and Pringles clever editorial skills the goal for Mary to tell her story and make it public knowledge in order to gain freedom for all slaves was a successful one. So damning and full of sentiment was her narrative that it helped push forward the Slave Emancipation Act, which in turn earned thousands of enslaved people their freedom and changed the shape of industry forever. The fact that that Mary Princes story is still studied, analysed and used as an example by writers, teachers and students alike adds testament to the authenticity of her voice and the fact that her narrative reflects the self made herione that she was.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Lab report about metabolic syndrome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Lab report about metabolic syndrome - Essay Example They are catalase, Glutathione peroxidase I , superoxide dismutase and thioredoxin. These antioxidants play an important role in the reduction of the elevated fatty acid level and help the patients to maintain the cholesterol level. Many genes are responsible for the regulation of oxidation in the cells. Glutathione peroxidase I is one of the major antioxidant enzyme. S...... The individual components of Metabolic Syndrome cluster together and this clustering increase the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The main root cause for this disease is linked to the poor eating habit and the sedentary life style of the people. The presence of common genetic variants can increase the susceptibility to Metabolic Syndrome. Complex gene environment interactions are also found to be associated with the Metabolic Syndrome. (Bryne and Wild 2011). Family history is the main reason for the Metabolic Syndrome prevalence in the childhood. The genes responsible for the maintenance of many cell functions play an important role for the syndrome. Insulin resistance is found to be present in the children suffering from the Metabolic Syndrome. Lipid deposition in the insulin responsive tissues is the main reason for the metabolic effects of the insulin. The hepatic fat accumulation is strongly associated with the obesity and the hepatic resistance, thereby affecting t he glucose metabolism. Background and analysis Insulin resistance is nothing but the abnormal response shown for the normal level of insulin production. Insulin resistance is further classified based on the resistance to the metabolic effects of the insulin with suppressed effect of insulin on the endogenous glucose production and peripheral glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis. Before undergoing fasting the hyperinsulinemia condition develops. Along with the increasing plasma insulin concentration, the increase of the risk factors can be found. Insulin resistance is second to the insulin resistance for the Metabolic Syndrome next to obesity. The insulin resistance factors are free fatty acids, adipocytokines, pro- inflammatory mediators and genetic factors. Insulin resistance is a

- Art and Music Appreciation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

- Art and Music Appreciation - Essay Example in God’s design, but Leonardo illustrated it in a scientific or mathematical diagram, still showing a beautiful form and capturing the movement of that time. This painting seeks ancient classic forms to create a historic scene: a Renaissance characteristic that is carried off with architecture (Palladian columns) and figures (Constantine). If the same action took place in a forest, it would be robbed of the elegance and historic props necessary to tell the story, and it would lose significance. The Emperor requires the regal surrounding and the baldachin (or marquee): piety. The poor and rich onlookers would not be contrasted so sharply if the background was neutral: here the beggars are seen as being there at the behest of a kind king: charity. The rich are there to pay homage to a Christian leader: humility. The grandeur underlines the meaning. Mother and child pictures and statues have come down to us from ancient times: much further back than the Christian era. Isis, the Egyptian goddess, was often depicted with her son Horus, which scholars think is one example of the source of most Mother/Child portrayals. There is also the Phemba, a 19th century African secular statue of a mother and child. Michelangelo’s early 1500s statue of Madonna and Child is a highly evolved rendition of a very old theme that differs greatly from early medieval images, which were idealized, and largely based on icons. Even medieval statues have a stiff flat look, and almost all show the Madonna with an ‘upturned egg-shaped head’ and long Byzantine nose. Michelangelo’s statue is a sensitive portrayal of a melancholic woman: a humanistic sketch of emotion. The lyrics of the Spring sonnet, and the strains of the chamber music that paradoxically paint an outdoor scene, are my favorite of all the four movements. Here we have a clear sensation of hope in all things new: ‘a glittering arrival of Spring’ full of little birds, zephyrs (light breezes), leaves and plants that

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Critically discuss the developments in banking regulation that have Essay

Critically discuss the developments in banking regulation that have been, and continue to be, put in place as a result of the ec - Essay Example A wide spread unemployment, inflation, poverty, layoffs, financial stress were the words normally echoed on all types of media during the entire period beginning from 2007 to the end of 2009. In the same period, the rates of foreclosure were inversely attached to the housing price inflation (Taylor, 2009). Many investment banks were struggling to survive, mergers, bankruptcies, acquisitions and nationalization became common (The WTO Doha Round and Regionalism, 2009). Many causes contributed towards the development of the financial crisis. Sub-prime loans, low interest rates, financial innovations, a lack of proper supervisory and regulatory measures from the side of regulatory and supervisory authorities, and the total collapse of integrity of credit rating agencies added fuel to the fire of the global financial crisis. Additionally, many authors believe that Basel Committee on Banking Supervision was ill-equipped and confused over some of its basic definitions towards the risk manag ement, and as a result, this also contributed its share in the global financial crisis. Soon after its impacts, the world financial and political leaders gathered to discuss and devise corrective actions in response to the financial situations. In EU, at micro and macro levels, different regulatory and supervisory sound regulations were recommended; European Systemic Risk Council (ESRC) was recommended to play it’s for the risk management. At the same time, European System Financial Supervision (ESFS) was devised to monitor the financial affairs at the micro level, while in the United States of America, Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA), strong regulatory and supervisory measures for financial firms and financial markets were proposed. As the financial crisis has affected the global economy, undoubtedly, it requires the international financial institutions to coordinate their efforts, ensure transparency. And, the international regulatory convergence has become nece ssary to avoid such financial crisis in future. In the subsequent parts of this paper, causes of financial crisis, different interpretations over the issues are discussed after the section critically highlighting causes. Subsequent to that, in U.S. and the EU, the corrective measures are explained followed by some recommendations and proposals are provided. Then, international context and effectives of these banking regulatory measures are mentioned. Causes of the global financial crisis Many causes contributed towards the financial crisis. First, sub-prime loans and the real estate bubble were among the main causes (Lannuzzi & Berardi, 2010). Udell (2009) explains that the sub-prime loans were easily available to the ordinary Americans before the financial crisis emerged. This type of loan was given to those individuals and institutions that did not have positive credit worthiness. They were those whose loan applications were declined by many credit lending financial institutions. Furthermore, many under-developed states were transferring their savings into American banks and other financial institutions ((Shomali & Giblin, 2010). In the late 1990s and early 2000s, a considerable amount of savings were attracted by many American banks and other financial institutions. Since many of these countries were enjoying economic growth

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

STRATEGIC REVIEW OF TESCO PLC UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

STRATEGIC REVIEW OF TESCO PLC UK - Essay Example By understanding the environment in which you operate (external to your company or department), you can take advantage of the opportunities and minimize the threats. (RAPIDBI) Specifically the PEST or PESTLE analysis is a useful tool for understanding risks associated with market growth or decline, and as such the position, potential and direction for a business or organization. Political Environment: Political forces influence the legislations and government rules and regulations under which the firm operates. Every company faces political constraints in the form of antitrust laws, fair trade decisions, and tax programs, minimum usage legislations, pollution and pricing policies, administrative activities and many other actions, aimed at protecting the consumers and the local environment. In 2001, The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) introduced a Supermarkets' Code of Practice to regulate trading relationships between the four largest UK supermarkets and their suppliers. Economic Environment: Economic factors clearly indicate the nature and direction of the economy in which a firm operates. Every market is unique and consumption patterns change along with the wealth of the consumers in various market segments. For strategic planning all the economic trends at national and international levels have to be considered. Tesco makes a significant contribution to economic activity in all the places in which it operates. Every week over 400,000 staff serves over 30 million customers in 13 countries. The company has to its credit a track record of providing value for customers, creating jobs and training, providing opportunities for suppliers and regenerating deprived areas. The business relationship of Tesco is with nearly 2,000 own-brand primary suppliers in 98 countries. Social Environment: The social environment is an important factor as changes in the values, beliefs, attitudes, opinions and lifestyles in society create potential opportunities for an organization. For a company to grow, it is necessary to take advantage of societal changes. The cultural, demographic, religious, educational and ethnic conditioning of individuals in society affects the social environment. One of the most important values in which Tesco believes is to treat people how it would like to be treated. The company strives hard to achieve this by being a good employer and by playing its part in local communities. People believe that they the company can use its size and success to be a force for good. This challenge is indeed accepted by Tesco with enthusiasm and commitment. Technological Environment: Technological environment means the trends and developments in the technological field that might: improve production, create new product opportunities, and render the existing ones.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Article Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 8

Review - Article Example The research design is effective and efficient because it truly measures the reactions of the children having intellectual disability or the autism. Different types of tokens are used against the desired behaviors to reinforce the children and then their reactions are recorded to develop the conclusions. The dependent variable is the reaction of the child who is facing autism problem or the intellectual disability. According to the research article, the dependent variable is influencing the research studies up to a great extent. The old studies says that the token systems are effective tools to shape the behaviors but the dependent variables, in our article, says that these token systems cannot be generalized in either way (Matson, 2009). A real record of evidences is provided in the form of a table having the reactions of the children towards different instincts. These evidences play an important role in developing the hypothese and thus draw the conclusion of the research activity. The authors whose work has been cited in the article, are generalizing the effectiveness of the token money but in actually the results shows that the technique of token system lacks generalization (Randolph, 2009). We cannot say that every person or specifically child may react to these reinforces in the same way. According to the results of the research processes, the patients of intellectual disability or autism are not reacting to the reinforcement, which is created by the token, or the tickets of the desired behavior. For example some children suffering from autism are offered tokens against their favorite toys to shape their behaviors but they do not react in the way as it is expected. The conclusion is based on the research findings of the article. The research findings says that the effectiveness of the token money was incredible in the initial times but as the time

Monday, September 23, 2019

Globalisation and Business Enterprise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Globalisation and Business Enterprise - Essay Example key players in New Zealand Biofuels Market: AECOM, AES, Ag Research, Anchor Ethanol Fonterra, Aquaflow Bionomic Corporation, Biodiesel New Zealand, Carbonscape, Cawthron Institute, Ecodiesel, Flo-Dry Engineering, GNS Science, IPL/Biofuel Testing New Zealand, Lanzatech and many more (Bioenergy Association of New Zealand, 2007). These companies have simple and basic idea and that is to help the environment by relying on the capability of technology to address issues concerning global climate change. These companies have considered innovating possibilities on how to come up with biofuels that are cost-effective, renewable and sustainable aside from their great contribution to minimise pollution and emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. However, there are various concerns in this area which are discussed in this paper. The production of biofuel as an alternative to fossil fuel is a remarkable issue to be investigated further. For instance, it is clear that companies that cont inuously produce biofuels have wonderful business opportunity amidst the climate change but they are also faced with other global economic and social concerns. Biofuel is known to affect the economy by indirectly creating impact to other sectors or industries. It is believed that there was an upward spiral increase for biofuel production in international trade and investment in the last few years, but it was linked to 2007 and 2008 global food crisis (Timilsina & Shrestha, 2010). Eventually, there was a problem on this idea in the first place knowing that the production of biofuel will need enough supply of food-based raw materials. Thus, non-food based materials are now widely explored for this concern. The New Zealand energy strategy and policy is a gateway to discover technology that could help the environment especially on the reduction of carbon emission and other greenhouse gases. For instance, there is a new study in New Zealand revealing the potential of growing algae to

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Condensed Study Guide Essay Example for Free

Condensed Study Guide Essay Active: does not require energy, area of lower concentration to higher concentration 34) Two identical osmometers are prepared. One is placed into distilled water, while the other is placed into a solution of 10% sugar. Assuming that the membrane is only permeable to water, what conclusions could be made if: a) the osmometer placed in distilled water rapidly fills up with water – hypertonic b) the osmometer placed in 10% SUGAR slowly loses water – hypotonic 35) using the terms hypotonic, isotonic, or hypertonic, explain how you could revive a wilted flower. Place a wilted flower in a glass of pure water. The flower cells would be hypertonic in relation to pure water, so water could move by osmosis into the wilted flower to â€Å"pump it up†. Water always moves to the area that is hypertonic. 36) In what kind of solution must blood be, if red blood cells are to remain healthy? Isotonic – because too much or too little solute would cause cells to burst or swell. 37) Describe two ways in which phagocytosis differs from pinocytosis. Phagocytosis:brings large particles into cell inside a vesicle . occurs in certain cells (eg. White blood cells) Pinocytosis: brings water and small particles into cell inside a vesicle. Occurs in all cell types.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Recrutiment Process at Infosys Essay Example for Free

Recrutiment Process at Infosys Essay Infosys Technologies has got the most structured recruitment process among all IT companies in India. First of all, they do not have any distinction between any branches of Engg. Whatever be the branch, you can sit up for the selection process if you qualify their other eligibility criteria like marks and time gap. i. e Once you had appeared for any test at Infosys, you will have to wait for 9 months until you appear for any of their recruitment process. For Off-campus, send in your resumes to the mail-Id mentioned and you are sure to get a call letter if you meet their academic criteria. Hence once you send the resume, start preparing for the exam, because you are sure to get a call. You may get call through e-mail invitation and further the admit card will be send to your postal address through courier/post. Latest selection process. ( As on March 2006) The duration of the selection process is 2. hrs which includes filling in an application form, an Aptitude Test (Analytical Thinking and Arithmetic Reasoning) and a test of Communicative English Language. The duration of the tests alone will be 90 minutes. The Aptitude Test will be generally of Puzzles type and the no. of questions will vary between 9 -15. The best way to practice for the tests is to go through the previous question papers at Freshersworld. com or refer books like Sakuntala Devi or George Summers. Go through the Maximum No. of previous question papers and prepare well for the puzzles.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Value Chain Analysis:

Value Chain Analysis: Primary Activities: Research and Development: The Coca-Cola Company has invested more than $60 million to build the worlds largest plastic-bottle-to-bottle recycling plant and support recycling. â€Å"The Coca-Cola Company is a company with the power to transform the marketplace, and the introduction of the â€Å"PlantBottleà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢Ã¢â‚¬  is yet another great example of their leadership on environmental issues†( Carter Roberts, President and CEO of World Wildlife Fund, U.S). Interactive vending machines Climate friendly coolers. Production: Amatils association with Cocacola date back to 1964 and from then, Coca Cola Amatil ruling the roost in Australian Non alcholic beverage industry. CCA manufactures wide range of carbonated drinks like Coca Cola, Diet coke, Vanilla Coke, Sprite etc.,and recently started manufacturing well being products like fruit juices, water, low calorie carbonated drinks. After acquiring SPC Ardmona in 2004, CocaColaAmatil also entered the food manufacturing and distribution business. CocaCola Amatil manufactures its finished products from the concentrate and beverage base supplied by THE CocaCola Company. Marketing and Sales: Through out the century of existence, the name â€Å"Coca Cola† became its own marketing symbol. The name itself is perceived as a epitome of brand value and quality by the millions of its customers. CCA mainly bank its marketing strategy on the availability of its products to the customers. â€Å"By being part of the Coca-Cola system CCA has access to the worlds most popular branded beverages supported by strong advertising and unique marketing properties. CCA and TCCC are working together to utilise their complementary skills and assets, to profitably build consumption in each of our market†. TCCCs main marketing strategy include heavy advertising and promotion by sponsoring sports events and roping international celebrities as brand ambassadors. TCCC funds the marketing activities of coming up with new brands and different packaging plans. The sales and marketing plans are developed together by both the companies every year using their skills and assests. Affiliation: CCA and TCCC are affiliated to the communities in which they operate from sponsoring development programs of physical fitness and life style skills to sponsoring major sporting events. CCA also participates in assisting the communities in the time of any natural disasters. â€Å"CCA and TCCC have established foundations in Australia and Indonesia to provide assistance to community development activites to assist young people to realise their potential.† Customer Service: CocaCola Amatil has a national call center â€Å" Coke Connect† which undertakes all the consumer enquiries and customer requests by giving accurate, clear and prompt service. The consumer information center with in the coke connect takes all the consumer feedback and then feed the information at the organisation level through out the world and also be included in its monthly management report and the feedback is considered in making business decisions. By knowing what customer needs and thinks, CCA is always keep itself in delivering best customer service possible. Support Activities: Human resources: Coca Cola is built on its core assests of its people and its brand value. Coca Cola believes that the work place should be a place which involves with creativity, innovation, professional relationships and professional growth. Coca Cola has 92400 associates world wide and many more supportive staff of which 86% are from outside United states which makes CocaCola inculcate its business environment with local culture of its employees and keep learning from this local cultures as cultures matters a lot in the success of a product in a local community. CocaCola follows a decentralised system in decision making in which it tries to incorporate ideas and concepts from its employees and passing them across all the departments for further evaluation. Infrastructure: CocaCola established its trademark since its inception in 1986 in United states. The companys every operation from manufacturing to delivering is supported by its strong infrastructure base. Some companies like spherion, Jones lang lasalle, IBM, Ogilveyand mather,prudential provide TCCC with basic ingredients and bottling and delivery machines. The Logistic operations of CocaCola Amatil in Australia is outsourced to LINFOX logistics which assisting Coca Cola to keep it value in delivering. This understanding between Linfox and Coca Cola may help TCCC to come up new products and its new logistic demands can be met in time. Core Competency Analysis: Brand Value: People relate themselves to the brand value of a company. A brand value makes the consumer choices easy and this brand image gives the company a competitive edge over its rivals. Brand value brings trust in customers and it takes a lot of investment to keep the brand image intact over the years and this Coca colas strong brand identity through out the years rose its sales into an unprecedented levels. In 2007, TCCCc brand value is 44.13 billion US$ and it was regarded as the worlds fourth powerful brand only lying behind Microsoft, Google and GE, as per the Millward Browns BrandZ index. The TCCCs greater brand value allows its consumers revisit and makes its entry into a new market easy. Large Scale of Operations: CocaCola beverage products are available easier than water in this world. We will find CocaCola vending machines in almost every educational institution of the world and their easy access in public places. The main advantage of CocaCola is its easy availability than any of its rivals. Innovation: Innovation is a heart of any company which continously strive to make any difference in the competitive environment. Differentiation in its products gives CocaCola a edge in attracting many customers or consumers. Coca Cola displays its ability to innovate in its products, equipment, packaging and in the external environment. It recently launched its ‘JIANCHI health product in Milan, which inculcates 5000 years of chinese wisdom in that bottle. TCCC also invested 60 million in building a bottle to bottle recycle or reuse plant in North America as part of its mission to recycle 100% of its products. It also came with innovative climatic friendly vending machines or coolers which reduced carbon emission by 99% and has a smart detective system which reduce energy use by 35%. Performance Analysis: Any companys performance whether it is small or large can be analysed by taking its financial figures into consideration. In todays business world, It is reality that numbers count a lot than anything else in analysing a companys performance. Coca Cola witnessed Net operating revenue growth of 11%, operating income growth of 16% and unit case volume growth of 5%. CocaCola holds 1st position worldwide in terms of sparkling beverages, juices and juice drinks and ready to drink coffees and teas, comes 2nd in terms of sports drink and 3rd in terms of packaged water and energy drinks. Portfolio Analysis: TACCs motive of â€Å" A beverage for every need† is the energy behind CocaColas success with more than 3000 products in more than 190 countries. The company head quartered in Atlanta, Georgia, employs nearly 71000 people (In Year 2006) and 74% of its products were sold outside United States. Its portfolio includes 13 billion dollar brands and has a company associates of 92400 people world wide. The CocaCola Company has different strategic business units for its product types like Sports drink, Juice drinks, Squash, Water, Low sugar soft drinks, general soft drinks and energy drinks. 49.9% of all coke products are sugar free. Portfolia of Coca Cola includes many brands which evolved throught out the history of Coca cola and some of the brands include Barqs, CocaCola, Coke zero, Diet Coke, Glaceau, Fanta, Minute maid, Fuze, Thumsup, Vault, Powerade etc.,. CocaCola touches 1.5 billion lives a day. Coca Cola added 200+ juice and juice drink products to its portfolio in 2008 and accommodated 700+ low calorie or no calorie products in its profile. In Australia, CocaCola Amatil acquired SPC ARDMONA in 2004 which is a food manufacturing brand and this may help CocaCola in establishing strategic business unit for manufacturing chips. Now a days, Coca Cola is much about health and wellness.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

mlk on the problem of god :: essays research papers

As a product of the Black preaching tradition, Martin Luther King Jr. vocalized much on his views regarding the question of the problem of God. In defining God’s place in the human struggle, Dr. King defined God’s four roles which included God as a creator, sustainer of existence, person in history, and activist. These beliefs were heavily influenced by not only his upbringing and personal experiences, but also by his encounters with various intellectual sources including Plato, the death of God theologians, Aristotle, and George W. Davis. First and foremost, King defined God’s role as the creator, the ultimate source of being. While studying Plato and other ancient Greek works, King came across the concept of creation whose existence did not depend on God. King refuted these ideologies, specifically Plato’s realm of the intelligible which did not depend on any other object for its existence. Instead, he strongly believed that since man was made in God’s image, human intellect was actually a gift from God. God’s creation of intellect made Him more personal to humans, in the sense that He could be referred to as the ultimate source for solving human values and problems. Just as in the case of human intellect, in all areas of life, God was the ultimate source of being. Having clearly defined God’s role as the ultimate creator, it was evident to King that God had to be the ultimate sustainer of existence. This reality occurred to him while studying the death of God theologians who argued that since corruption and evil were spreading in the world, God must be dead. To argue against these theologians, King differentiated between theoretical and practical atheism. King had no problem with theoretical atheism because it actually challenged us on the question of God’s existence and His omnipresence in human society. On the other hand, King had trouble with practical atheism, meaning those who lived their lives as if God is dead. He argued that practical atheism is what humanity was struggling with. God had not died, and in fact was actually very much alive. The problem in King’s view was that too many people were living their lives as if God had died, and thus spreading evil through their social mannerisms. In the end, the fact remai ned that God was very much alive and the ultimate sustainer of existence. Since Dr. King believed that God is the ultimate creator and sustainer of existence, it is only evident that God had a role throughout the history of mankind.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

MRSA among athletes Staphylococcus discovery started when it is first investigated and been observed also culture by Pasteur and Koch but were made by Ogston in 1881 and Rosenbach in 1884 (Ogston, 1882: Rosenbach, 1884). Staphylococcus aureus is well known as staph are bacteria that carried on the skin or nose of healthy people. About 25 to 50 per cent of people carried this staph according to research that being made. Most skin that infected by staph causes minor affect likes pimple but it can be cure without using an antibiotics. Sometimes, staph can cause serious problem for example pneumonia, blood or joint infections and deep skin infections. Usually athletes tend to get the infection anywhere equipment rubs and cause broken skin such as on the hands, knees or elbows for football, basketball or volleyball players or on the buttocks or sides of the legs for rowers. According to (Rosenbach), S. aureus were responsible for wound infections and furunculosis (Rosenbach, 1884). After that, surgeon being afraid of this microbe could infect the patient who doing surgeries. They believed that Staphylococcus can cause life threatening disease after trauma and fatal pneumonia during influenza season. Therefore, in pre-antibiotic era, S.aureus was known as major life-threatening pathogen. MRNA started to become world-wide problem in 1950 (Shanson, 1982; Cokkson and Philips, 1990). MRNA stands for methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus and this microbe are related to MRNA is staphylococcus aureus. S.aureus is a bacterium commonly found on skin, axillae and nares of healthy individuals. MRSA is the outbreak of skin infections caused by S.aureus which is resistance to antibiotics. During 1950, a new virulent strain of peni... ...self-inoculation’ from a carrier site or acquired by contact with an exogenous source, usually another person. People who are nasal carriers of virulent Staphylococcusaureus can also cause serious skin diseases due to toxin production. In addition, skin and soft tissue infections are also caused by MRSA. Therefore, the treatment involves drainage and this is usually sufficient for minor lesions, but antibiotics may be given in addition when the infection is severe and the patient has a fever. MRSA can be treated with enzyme-stable penicilins such as nafcilin. Isolates resistant to these compounds may be treated with vancomycin, linezolid, quinopristin-dalfoprisin, or daptomycin. (Goering et al. (2008).Treatment with this agent does not necessarily eradicate carriage of the staphylococci. Lastly, good skin care and personal hygiene should be encouraged.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Fall On Your Knees Essay

* It is the story of James Piper, orphaned child, who becomes a piano tuner. When James was 18, he met Material, 13, and they elope to the close by village. Materia’s family were against her marriage. James then has three daughters, Kathleen, Mercedes, and Frances. James was a good man, but slowly dark side of his nature asserted itself. He serves in France during the Great War to make money. But the war comes to an end. He returns to his family. Kathleen is dispatched to New York City to study opera, she gets pregnant and later finds a lesbian partner. James finds out and brings his daughter back. Soon he is widower and Kathleen dies while giving birth to the twins. Mercedes tries her best to be the mother of Frances and her niece Lily, Kathleen’s daughter. Ambrose, Kathleen’s son is killed by Frances accidentally. Frances goes completely off track and starts doing prostitution to make money for Lily. Frances also gets pregnant and stops prostitution. James dies later on and everything depends on Mercedes since Frances is in a big shock. Later on, Lily goes to New York and Frances dies. Mercedes sends Ambrose, France’s son to New York. * Sacrifices are made by a lot of people in the whole universe for the sake of people who they love. In Ann – Marie Macdonald’s Fall on Your Knees, James and his family sacrifice important things that they desire or want for the sake of their family. Through the use of characterization, symbols and diction, Macdonald shows that healthy sacrifices benefit everyone. Similarly in Hamlet by William Shakespeare, Sacrifice is shown throughout the play for the benefit of self or others that they love or want. This is also shown by Shakespeare by using the above elements, which proves that the sacrifices that are made for the benefit of everyone will lead to the happy ending. Characterization is used to show the decisions that are made for the benefits of other or self. In Fall on Your Knees, people make decisions that benefit others which have huge impact in their life, while in Hamlet, the decisions that are made are for the benefits of self for which someone else has to pay. * There are many characters in Fall on Your Knees that choose to live for the sake of others. One of them is Kathleen. Kathleen is a great singer who poses beauty and singing talent but she has no friends and is not even close to her mother. The only friend that she has is her father. She gave up everything that she could have just for the sake of her daddy. She wants to be singer just because her daddy wants her to be famous, so people can appreciate her talent. â€Å"At first she did it for daddy’s sake† (Macdonald 99). This shows that Kathleen gave up her whole childhood and teenage moments that she could have for herself for the sake of daddy. She never goes anywhere by herself. Later, James sends her to USA to study Opera. And she agrees without even saying anything. * Similarly her sister, Mercedes also sacrifices her educations and her future for the sake of family. Mercedes is a good girl who is taking the role of mother for her sisters. â€Å"Mercedes is so accustomed to doing everything for Daddy’s sake† (299). Mercedes does not tell her father about her dream of going to university. She knows that her father will be all alone if she leaves him. She buries her dream in her heart, so she stays home and takes care of the family. * Similarly in Hamlet, Hamlet sacrifices his future and his love for the sake of his father. He needs to take revenge. Hamlet is always sad and depressed since his father is no more. When he found that his uncle was the murderer of his father, he promised the ghost to take revenge for his father’s death. To accomplish his motive, he gave up the love of his life, Ophelia, so he can have no weaknesses. â€Å"You should not have believed me; for virtue cannot so/ inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of it. I loved you/ not. † (III. 1. 128-130). Hamlet is refusing that he never loved Ophelia. He also used her to confuse Claudius. * Kathleen has never got love from anyone else except her daddy, whose love also changes after coming from war. This causes her to crave for love. The crave for the love leads to many ironies such as her turning into a lesbian and eventually her death. However, this is not same for Mercedes. Even though Mercedes is not pursuing her education any further, she is learning to be a responsible women and she does not marry in the future because she needs to take care of her sisters and her father. She is gaining even though she is giving up something. Whereas, Hamlet’s sacrifice caused Ophelia to not trust Hamlet anymore and later on in the play, that lead to her death. * The other element that has been used is symbolism. Symbolism is used to show what each character has become because of the decisions that they choose to make. In both texts, there are a lot of symbols that represents the characters or the meaning of their life. * In fall on your knees, darkness is used to represent the sacrifices that the characters make without knowing the consequences. They do not know what lies ahead and what the result might be for taking that action. But, they continue to do it because they feel that they need to do it. The other symbol that is used is monster. It is used to represent Materia. It represents Materia because she has become a monster while searching for the happiness of the family. â€Å"Materia saw herself in a clear glass at last and it was Monstrous. † This shows that even she knows that she has turned into a monster. Materia thinks that she is happy without her daughter. She does not want her daughter to come back. She is ready to sacrifice her own daughter for the family’s happiness. This is similar to the monster since monsters are ready to eat their own children to fill their own stomach when needed. The other symbol that is used in the novel is scarecrow. Scarecrow is used to represent the memories that they had in the past. It was made by Materia. James tears it down because he does not want to remember his past since there had been a lot of incidents that have happened in his life. He wants to live without having to remember his past. * Similarly in Hamlet, sponge is used to represent Rosencrantz. Hamlet thinks that Rosencrantz is giving up his friendship to suck up to the King. He feels betrayed by his own friend. He calls Rosencrantz a sponge when he says â€Å"Besides, to be demanded of a sponge! † (IV. . 12). Since, he has become a messenger that acts as a carrier of messages and spills it in front of King, Rosencrantz collects all the information like a sponge collects water and spills it in front of a king, similar to how water spills off the sponge when it is squeezed. * In Fall on Your Knees, Materia meets her consequences when she was finally able to love Kathleen. She has to sacrifice Kathleen just so the twins can see the new world. As well as James lived a happy life in the future where he didn’t had to think about his past and died in peace. Similar to Materia, Rosencrantz is sent to England where he is to be executed with his friend, Guildenstern, as soon as he reaches there. * The last element that is used is diction. Diction is used to show the consequences of the sacrifices that are made by the characters for their benefit, where someone else pays the price of their sacrifice, or for the benefit of someone else, where they pay the price by themselves. The choices of their decisions give the characters several names in the both texts. * James is a widower. He has to take care of mother less children since his wife died. He needs to make money in the Great Depression time, so he does things that give him bad name. People in the town say â€Å"Mercedes’ father [James] was a bad man. A bootlegger. A scab. An enemy of this town† (232) He makes and sells illegal liquor in the town that gives him bad reputation. He is being called a â€Å"bootlegger†, â€Å"scab† and â€Å"enemy of the town† because of the illegal business that he does. But he does not care about what the other people say, because he needs to make money to support his family financially. He sacrifices his reputation in the town for the sake of family. Similarly, the business that Frances does is not giving her a good reputation that she wants. She becomes everything of Lily, her niece, whom she calls sister. Frances blames herself for Lily being disabled. She wants to make money for her, so she starts selling herself and becomes a stripper because she thinks that is the fastest way to make money. She becomes so bad that Camille calls her â€Å"The slut who lives only to dishonour the memory of poor Materia. † (316). This shows that Frances has been selling her stuff that she got bad reputation in the town. She does all this because she feels as if this is needed to do for the sake of Lily, since Frances thinks that Lily might need these money in future. * Similarly in Hamlet, Polonius does everything that he can to suck up to the King, no matter what happens. He is even ready to sacrifice his own daughter, Ophelia. This is one reason why hamlet calls him â€Å"Excellent well; you are a fishmonger† (II. 2. 190). Polonius is called a â€Å"fishmonger†, because he can sacrifice his own daughter to curry the King as much as he possibly can. He does this just to show how much he can be trusted. This keeps on hurting Ophelia and causes her to go through more pain even though Polonius is considered a trustable person by the king. * James dies without even having any friend because whatever he does for his family is affecting everyone in the town which makes the people in town hate him more. Similarly, Frances is never loved by anyone except Mercedes and Lily. At the end, the money comes to use of Lily, but to earn that money; Frances had to go through a lot of pain. Similarly, Ophelia goes through a lot of pain since she was being used by her father to curry the king. This attitude of sucking up to the King decides Polonius’s destiny and he gets killed. * In conclusion, there are a lot of different decisions that affect the whole novel later on. While some of them are good choices, some of them are bad that they decide to do for the sake of someone or self. This is shown by the use of narrative elements such as characterisation, symbolism and diction, which all show the choices that they made and the result of those choices. Even though we all make decisions and sacrifices in our life, one will learn whether the sacrifices that they made were worth of making or not after the sacrifice has been made.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Project Report Cow Dairy

|Area Considered 27500 Sft. |Scope of work | |   |Civil and Interior Work | |1 |Dismantling of existing flooring | |2 |Brick work | |3 |Providing and laying brick wall with plaster finished with POP punning and including | | |plastic emulsion paint | |4 |Vitrified flooring in 2nd floor entrance lobby and 1st floor passage, waiting area, | | |reception area and cafeteria. | |5 |Vitrified tile flooring in toilet and vitrified tile dado in toilet and pantry. | |6 |Fire alarm systems with sprinklers. | |7 |Kota in store room. | |8 |Raised floor in Electrical room, UPS and server room | |9 |Granite toilet counter | |10 |Dry pantry counter in cafeteria. |11 |100mm & 75mm thick full height partition finished with plastic emulsion paint | |12 |Full height glass partition in main entrance lobby, conference room & meeting room. | |13 |Gypsum ceiling & acoustic ceiling | |14 |Doors: 12mm toughned glass with ozone make hardware and 38mm laminate finish flush door | | |with ozone fittings. | |15 |Built in furniture: Full height storage made out of commercial ply with 1mm thick | | |laminated shutter, overhead storage made of commercial ply with laminate finish. | |16 |Loose Furniture: Reception table with corian top and laminate on inside with pedestal | | |unit. | |17 |16 seaters and 10 seaters meeting room table with laminate finish. |18 |Security table | |   |Electrical work | |   | Design, fabrication,supply and installation of main LT panel board, capacitor control | | |panel, lighting distribution board, power distribution board, UPS distribution board, | | |power cabling, control cabling, wiring in conduits, lilghting with lighting fixtures and | | |appliances. Cabling, telephone cabling, Floor trunking and cable tray. | |   |HVAC | |   | Ductable 50 tones split AC with grills and defusers and duct insulations with electrical | | |cabling. |   |Carpet | |   | Rest of the floor will be carpet flooring. | |   |Blinds | |   |Blinds in external wind ows | |   |Signage: | | | Signage’s in toilet. Meeting room, fire fighting staircase etc. | |   |Network Cabling | |   | 2 data and 2 voice point in each work station and 4 data and 4 voice point in each | | |conference and meeting room. |   |UPS | | |Required capacity of UPS battery with racks. | |   |AV Equipment-LCD/Projecter, | | |Polycom Phones | |   |LCD in conference room and cafeteria, polycom phone in conference room. | |   |Furniture | | |65 Linear work station in laminate finish. | |   |All Chairs (Except work station chair and meeting room chairs )in cafeteria and sofa for | | |reception. |   |Office Equipments | |   |Office Equipments: 230 Ltrs Refrigerators, door mate and steel dustbin. | – Required Scope of services : 1. Design Services:- Interior design of office fit out covering space planning , interior layout , furniture fixtures , false ceiling  (with minimum modifications possible), partition , carpentry etc. Prepare and p resent final design development plans and details, fixing dimensions and describing in details the interiors , mechanical , electrical ,  Ã‚  IT,   AV and lighting solution. 2. Fit -out Management:-   Project Management of the fit-out works including submission of design to handing over of facility . 3.MEP Consultant :- Design of all services like UPS , Electrical ,   HVAC , IT Network , Security system & AV equipment . 4. Fit out work :- Providing , Supplying & Installation of Civil interiors , Electrical , HVAC , Modular furniture's , Chairs (excluding workstation and meeting room chairs) , Carpet , Blinds , AV equipment , UPS , IT networks , Signage's/Graphics & Office equipment  as per approved design. for spaces including (but not limited to) Workstation Area, Reception Area, Server Room, UPS Room, Meeting Rooms,  Cafeteria, Dry Pantry, Quite Rooms, Reprographics cum Stationary Area, Store Room, Electrical Room etc. Please refer the attached scope of works (specific ations and Proposed Plan) for  Ã‚  further details  . |S. No. SPECIFICATION – CIVIL & INTERIOR | |A |CIVIL & WET WORKS | |A-1 |DISMANTLING | |1 |DISMANTLING OF FLOORING :- Dismantling of existing flooring and skirting including removing | | |base in cement mortar of any depth etc. and disposal of unserviceable material to the closest| | |dumping ground. | |2 |DISMANTLING OF BRICK WORK :- Dismantling of brick wall of all thickness in cement mortar, | | |including glazed tiles, cement plaster and disposal of unserviceable material as directed. | |3 |DISMANTLING OF RCC :- Dismantling of RCC work in lintel, beams, counters, slabs etc. including| | |cutting of reinforcement steel and disposal of unserviceable material as directed to municipal| | |dumping ground. |4 |DISMANTLING OF DOOR FRAMES & SHUTTER :- Dismantling of existing door frames and shutters and | | |stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material to nearest municipal | | |dumping ground.. | |5 |MAKING CUT OUT IN SLAB/Wall :- Making cutout in slab upto to size of 0. 5 sqm including cutting| | |reinforcement and making good all opening for other allied works as directed. | |A-2 |MASONRY AND PLASTER | |1 |CLOSING OF CUT OUTS :- Closing of cut out in cement concrete and fixing of PVC sleeves as | | |directed. |2 |REPAIRING OF FLOORING:- Repairing of existing flooring of approximate width 150- 300mm taken | | |as average and 50mm deep in cement concrete 1:2:4(1cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone | | |aggregate) mixed and finished with cement mortar plaster 1:4 (1cement:4 coarse sand) etc. | | |complete as directed by the Architect. (for race way) | |3 |HALF BRICK WALL :- Providing and laying half brick partition wall with well burnt good quality| | |of first class designation 75 in cement mortar 1:4(1cement: 4 coarse sand) including providing| | |2 Nos of 6mm dia MS round bars at every IV th course, including scaffolding, curing rubbing | | |the surface, racking out joints etc. omplete as directed and specified for walls, at all | | |floor and levels, including 12 to 15mm thick cement plaster in 1:4:2(1cement:4 fine sand : 2 | | |coarse sand) | |4 |230MM THICK BRICK WALL :- Providing and laying 230mm thick brick wall with well burnt good | | |quality , class designation 75 in cement mortar I:4 (1cement:4 coarse and) including, | | |scaffolding, curing, rubbing the surface, racking out the joints etc. completed as directed | | |and specified for walls, at all floor and levels. | |5 |CEMENT PLASTER :- Providing and laying 12to 15mm thick cement plaster of mix 1:4:2( 1cement:4 | | |fine sand: 2 coarse sand) to all type of RCC work in line , level and plumb including smooth | | |cement finish as directed including providing necessary bands, drip moulds groove and wiremesh| | |at all junction of walls and ceiling including racking the joints or roughening the RCC | | |surfaces, necessary curing scaffolding etc. complete as directed and specified. |6 |REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE :- Reinforced cement concrete work with M-20 grade reinforced | | |cement concrete in lintels, beams counter, shelves including the cost of centering and | | |shuttering finishing and reinforcement at all height & levels | |7 |CEMENT CONCRETE UNDER FLOOR :- Providing and laying cement concrete under floor etc. at all | | |levels including the cost of centering, shuttering , finishing etc. complete | |* |1:4:8(1cement: 4 coarse sand: 8 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) | |8 |POP Punning (6mm-12mm): Providing and fixing Average 6mm to 12mm thick POP Punning over cement| | |plaster in line & plumb finished smooth to receive paint. | |9 |POP Punning (25mm-30mm): Providing and fixing Average 25mm to 30mm thick POP Punning over | | |cement plaster in line & plumb finished smooth to receive paint. |10 |WATERPROOFING WORKS :- Providing and applying water proofing treatment to toilets, pantries | | |and other wet areas base and walls with four coats of Ta pecrete or approved equivalent mixed | | |with white cement in proportion 1:2( 1tapecete: 2 white cement) including mixing silica sand | | |in second coat in proportion 1:2:1. 5(1tapecrete :2white cement :1. 5 silica sand) and sealing | | |all junction corners and concrete after first coat with epoxy mortar as per approved | | |specifications of specialist agency. | |11 |Providing and laying on sunken areas light weight concrete of approximately 600 kg per cum | | |density laid, consolidated, cured, finished, smooth, including finishing and grouting with | | |water proof cement mortar and as per specification. |12 |Providing and applying Ardex HydrEpoxy -300 (Damp proofing Membrane) in two coats on walls, | | |floors as per Ardex directions & specification and as per Architects approval. (Server/UPS | | |room) | |A-3 |PAVING AND WALL CLADDING | |   |   | |1 |VITRIFIED TILE FLOORING (white colour) :- Providing and laying mirror polished 592x592mm | | |vitrified floor tiles of E uro make laid over adequate thickness of cement mortar | | |1:4(1cement:4carse sand) using chemical grouting aquamix/ laticrete grout 5mm, plastic | | |spacers Tile adhesive unitile make.The rate shall be inclusive of necessary preparation, | | |cleaning, protection with POP etc. complete (BR of tile to be taken as Rs 80/sft) | |5 |VITRIFIED TILE DADO (white colour) :- Providing and laying mirror polished 600x600mm | | |vitrified tile dado at Toilet and Pantry of Euro make laid over adequate thickness of | | |cement mortar 1:4(1cement:4carse sand) using chemical grouting aquamix/ laticrete grout 5mm,| | |plastic spacers Tile adhesive unitile make. The rate shall be inclusive of necessary | | |preparation, cleaning, protection with POP etc. omplete – (BR Rs 80/sft) | |6 |WALL TILES :- Providing and fixing 200x200mm ceramic tiles of Kajaria make shade as approved | | |by the Architect with balendura grouting, plastic spacer, tile adhesive , chemical grout of | | |balendura or e quivalent laid over 12mm thick cement mortar 1:4(1cement:4 coarse sand) | | |including cutting of tile in proper shape and size all complete as per design and drawing. | | |(B. R 35Rs/Sft) | |7 |ANTI STATIC VINYL FLOORING :- Providing and laying 2mm thk 600Ãâ€"600 tile PVC antistatic vinyl | | |flooring of approved shade and quality with adhesive, as per manufacturers recommendation and | | |specification etc. complete Cost of leveling as required to be included in the quoted rate. (LG| | |floors or approved equivalent) (BR 145/Sft) | |8 RAISED FLOOR :- The entire access floor system shall be made from steel cementitious infill | | |and provide for adequate fire properties, acoustic barrier and air leakage resistance. The | | |system shall be able to withstand a UDL of 1200kg. Per sqmt. And a point load of 360 kg. The | | |pedestal shall withstand Axial Load of 2200kg. | |   |PANELS: -Panels shall be made from steel. The bottom of the panel shall be embossed in | | |hemispherica l shape to give strength and flexural rigidity. The top sheet shall be plain and | | |resistant welded at various locations after the top and bottom sheets have been degreased and | | |phostated to form a single composit unit.The entire panel shall be quoted with epoxy coating | | |on the exposed surface and then the hollow panel shall have an infill of light weight | | |cementitious material, panel shall remain flat through and stable unaffected by humidity or | | |fluctuation in temp through out its normal working life. Panel shall provide for impact | | |resistance top surfaces minimal deflection, corrosion resistance properties and shall not be | | |combustible or aid surface spread of flame, panels shall be insulated against heat and noise | | |transfer. Panels shall provide qualities of concrete slabs, panels shall be of size 600x600mm | | |and 30 – 37mm thick fully interchangeable with each other within the range of a specified lay | | |out. Panels shall be free standi ng onto the structure. |   |Pedestal – Pedestals installed to support the panel shall be suitable to achieve a | | |specified floor height from the existing floor level and shall be placed 600mm distance in | | |both directions to form a grid of 600x600mm. Pedestal design shall confirm speedy assembly and| | |removal for relocation and maintenance. Pedestal base shall be permanently secured to position| | |on the sub floor mostly by effective glue of mechanical fastening for more than 600mm | | |finished floor height. Pedestal assembly shall provide for easy adjustment of levelling and | | |accurately align panels to ensure lateral restrain. or prevention of corrosion pedestals are | | |either powder coated or zinc electroplated as required. Pedestal shall support an axial load | | |of 2200kg. without permanent deformation and an ultimate load of 3500kg. The pedestal flat | | |head then shall receive the panel which shall be fastened by screws to the pedestal head to | | |f orm a rigid grid. (UNITILE/CANI-MICROTAC) | |* |300 mm high with high abrasion anti- static HPL in size 600x600mm. | |9 |TOILET COUNTER :-P/F 450MM deep clear granite counters @ Toilets, rate shall be incl. of 20mm| | |thk granite 200mm deep 20mm thk granite front fascia; 75mm thk. :2:4 RCC counter slab duly | | |cured; cutting & creating holes in slab & stone ; bull nosing in stone ; Include necessary | | |preparations, cleaning & protection w/ polythene & POP as required; all as per design & | | |Architect's approvals. (B. R. 160 per sft) | |10 |PANTRY COUNTER :-(2400X2100mm) Providing and fixing pantry counter 350/700 deep over head and | | |under storage with granite top and 200 high back splash, 600X600mm vitrified tile | | |cladding,over head and base cabinet made of laminated shutter of 20mm BWP board . All internal| | |surfaces to have balancing laminate.The rate inclusive of necessary hardware,140 HIGH D | | |shaped Hetitch handle code no 011869 lock sets, self closing hing es, spring loaded shutter, | | |latch inside, all cabinet hardware to be†HETTITCH† or equivalent complete as per Architects | | |approval. (BR to be taken as Rs 160/sft) | |11 |PERIMETER GLAZING CILL/LEDGE :-Providing and laying , laminated cill/ ledge comprising of | | |1mm thick laminate over 19mm thick commercial board with 32Ãâ€"12 beech wood lipping and clear | | |transparant silicon sealant at junction with wall and glass. all complete as per design and | | |drawing. | |* |150 wide with moulding at window level. |12 |STEPS IN SERVER & HUB ROOM:- Providing and fixing in position steps in server room made of | | |hard wood frame work of 75Ãâ€"75 section laid to receive 19mm thick commercial ply to be screwed | | |to the hard wood frame work complete as directed. | | |   | |B. |DRY WORKS | |   |   | |B-1 |PARTITIONS AND WALL CLADDING | |   |   | |1 |FULL HEIGHT GYPSUM PARTITION (100MM THICK) :- Providing and fixing 100mm thick gypsum board | | |partitio n comprising of 48mm proprietary vertical studs , Two layer of 12. mm thick gypboard | | |on both sides of 48mm GI studd as per manufacturers specification (â€Å"India Gypsum make†) | | |including 50mm, (24 kg/cum) thick glass wool insulation of UP Twiga make grade specified by | | |the Architect from raw floor to the bottom of ceiling (Rate to be inclusive of GI corner | | |beads, hard wood scantling and other GI accessories finished with proprietary topcoat) | | |(including plastic emulsion paint) | |2 |Item same as above of 100mm thick gypsum partition but with hard wood framing instead of G. I | | |proprietary channel/ stud. | |3 |Item same as above of 100mm thick gypsum partition but above false ceiling. | |4 |PROVIDING ADDITIONAL LAYER OF:- | |a |Extra for providing single layer of MDF board in place of single layer of gypsum board) | |b |Extra for over and above of Item 1 for providing additional layer of 8mm+4mm thick MDF board| | |screwed/ nailed on one side of par tition. |c |Extra for over and above of Item 1 for providing & fixing additional layer of 12mm thick BWP | | |ply screwed/ nailed on one side of the partition | |d |Extra for over and above of Item 1 for providing additional layer of 12mm thick bison board | | |screwed/ nailed on one side of the partition | |e |Extra for over and above of Item 1 for providing and fixing 1mm thick laminate pasted over 4mm| | |thick MDF board over 8mm MDF board glued/ nailed with the existing partition. | |f |Extra for over and above of Item 1 for providing 4mm thick veneer duly melamine fixed over 8mm| | |thick MDF board glued/ nailed with the existing partition. | |g |Extra for over and above of Item 1 for providing extra layer of gypsum board nailed / screwed | | |with the existing partition. (without paint) | |5 |75MM THICK GYPSUM PARTITION :-Item same as above of 1 but with two layer of 12. mm thick | | |gypboard on one side only of studd all as per manufacturers specification (â€Å"India Gyps um | | |make†) (Rate shall be inclusive of GI corner beads, hard wood scantling and other GI | | |accessories finished with proprietary topcoat ready to receive paint. ) & closing of opening | | |made for duct and other piping work etc. (including plastic emulsion paint) | |6 |DUCO PAINTED PANELLING (62MM THICK):-Extra over 100mm thick partition for providing and fixing| | |MDF panelling fixed over 8mm + 4mm thick MDF board including metallic duco paint of (Belco | | |shade) as approved by the architect, including all hardware, â€Å"V† groove etc. complete as per | | |architects approval. |7 |132 THICK FIRE LINE BOARD PARTITION:-Providing and fixing 132 mm thick fire line partition two| | |layers of 15mm thick fire line board on both side of 70mm studs as per manufacturers | | |specification (â€Å"India Gypsum make†) including Vapour barrier and mineral fibre wool | | |insulation from raw floor to bottom of ceiling. Complete as per manufacturers specification. | |8 |110 THICK FIRE LINE BOARD PARTITION:-Providing and fixing 110 mm thick fire line partition two| | |layers of 15mm thick fire line board on both side of 48mm studs as per manufacturers | | |specification (â€Å"India Gypsum make†) including Vapour barrier and mineral fibre wool | | |insulation from raw floor to bottom of ceiling. Complete as per manufacturers specification. |9 |WOODEN SKIRTING;- Providing and fixing 12mm thick and 50mm high beech wood skirting flushed| | |to wall/gypsum partition with wooden plugs including all necessary nails, screws melamine | | |polishing on exposed surfaces, fire retardant paint etc. complete as per design and drawing. | |10 |VENEER PANELLING:- Providing and fixing veneer panelling made of hard wood framing fixed with | | |one layer 12mm thick MDF board & 8mm thick MDF board fixed/ pasted with 4mm thick veneer of | | |approved shade in batten form including making 10mm wide groove filled with metalic laminate | | |of Ventura make all hardware melamine polishing etc. complete as per architects approval. |11 |VENEER PANELLING:- Providing and fixing veneer panelling made of 8mm+ 4thick MDF board fixed | | |over hard wood framing pasted with 4mm thick veneer including making 4X4mm groove, all | | |hardware melamine polishing etc. complete as per NSN/architects approval. | |12 |WALL TRACTS FABRIC PANELLING:- Providing and fixing fabric panelling over hard wood framing | | |and MDF base and pinnable cellotex board to be installed as per design and drawing including | | |wall tracts channels, and 35mm wide laminated band at top andbottom complete as per | | |manufacturers specification. BR of fabric to be taken as Rs 500/rmt) | |13 |FABRIC PANELLING:- Providing and fixing fabric panelling over hard wood framing fixed with | | |fabric wrapped over 12mm cellotex board with 3mm cushion backing including all hardware, | | |fireretardant paint etc complete as per design and drawing. (Basic rate of fabric to be taken| | |as RS. 500/ meter) | |   |   | |14 |PROJECTED MDF POSTER PANEL:- Providing and fixing projected MDF panel pasted with laminate of | | |approved shade to receive the digitally printed graphic vinyl poster. |   |   | |15 |3M FILM OVER GLASS SURFACE:-Providing and fixing 3M scotchcal 3650-114 printed with 3M over | | |laminate 8952 with 5 yrs MCS warranty (By 3M India) over glass surface complete as per | | |approval of the Architect. (only film surface area shall be measured and paid) | |16 |3M FROSTED FILM (CRYSTAL QUALITY):- Providing and fixing 3M scotchcal 7725/324 over glass | | |surface with 15 yrs MCS warranty (By 3M India) as approval of the Architect. (only film | | surface area shall be measured and paid) | |17 |3M GRAPHIC FILM OVER MDF/GLASS SURFACE:-Providing and fixing 3M controltech comply with 3M | | |over laminate digitally printed with 5 yrs MCS warranty (By 3M India) as approval of the | | |Architect. (only film surface area shall be measured and paid) | |18 |G LASS PANELING :- 6mm thick SaintGobain Lacquered glass fixed/pasted to BWP ply/MDF base | | |complete as per design and drawing. (only glass surface area shall be measured and paid) | |19 |GLASS PANELING :- 6mm thick SaintGobain Lacquered glass fixed/pasted to BWP ply/MDF base | | |with hard wood framing and SS surround complete as per design and drawing. | |20 |WALL PAPER:-Providing and fixing wall paper (Vinyl wall covering) of VESCOM, Orient quality | | |(Code 146. 2)distributed by Wall Tracts on POP/ Gypboard surfaces with suitable addhesive as | | |per manufacturers specification. (BR 140 sft) | |21 |EDGE PROTECTION PROFILE:-Providing and fixing 25Ãâ€"25 wide GI edge protection profile of India | | |Gypsum make at all the corners of the wall/column as per Architects approval. | |22 |HARD WOOD FRAMING:- Providing and fixing 50mmx50mm hard wood framing in partition as vertical | | |and horizontal supports for overhead storage's, white boards, art works LCD screens etc. | | |incl uding fire retardant paint etc. omplete as per direction of the Architect. | |23 |DUCO PAINTED JAMB:-Providing and fixing 20X125mm thick Duco painted jamb fixed to the hard | | |wood framing and commercial ply with 4mm thick MDF board etc. complete as per approval. | |24 |SS CORNER EDGE PROTECTOR:- Providing and fixing 50Ãâ€"50 SS angle edge protector with and wooden | | |steps all accessories as per approval of the Architect. | |25 |CORIAN COUNTER:- Fabricating, supplying and placing in position corian counter 550 wide made| | |of corain cladded over commercial board with facia supported with 80 dia SS legs of HETITCH | | |make height adjustable Code No. 46064 covered with commercial ply and laminate at bottom | | |as per approval of the Architects. (BR of Corian to be taken as Rs 750/sft) (at Cafeteria) | |26 |Aluminium Glazed partition having 10 mm tempered glass. Section of Aluminium shall be as per | | |manufacturer specification. Make – Alloy / To be Proposed by Design er/Vendor basis Acoustics | | |and overall Aesthetic quality | |27 |Aluminium glazed partition with 6mm+6mm laminated glass with vinyle in between two glassess | | |. section of Aluminium shall be as per manufacturer specification. Make – Alloy / To be | | |Proposed by Designer/Vendor basis Acoustics and overall Aesthetic quality | |   |   | |   |Notes:- | |   |   | |* |1)All beech wood and veneer to be seasoned and melamine polished to shade as / architects | | |approval | |* |2) All stainless steel cladding work to be provided and fixed by Architect approved specialist| |* |3) All hardwood to be seasoned and painted with anti-termite and fire retardant paints. | |* |4) All partition to be erected from floor to the bottom of the ceiling (Ceiling ht. + 3900), | | |filled with sound insulated material, as specified & directed by the architect. | |* |5) All partition to be extended upto existing window mullions, when it comes in contact with | | |the existing window and to be airtight closed all widow edges to have 4 mm groove with silicon| | |fill. | |* |6) All openings for the cutouts for ducting/raceways/cables etc. in the partitions to be | | |closed & made air tight. |* |7) The rate shall be inclusive of GI corner beads, hard wood scantling and other GI | | |accessories finished with proprietary topcoat ready to receive paint and providing minimum 70b| | |sound barrier. | |* |8) All materials shall be as per manufacturers specification (â€Å"India Gypsum make†) and | | |insulation material shall be as manufacturers specification (â€Å"UP Twiga make†) | |* |9)Contractor to procure certification from manufacturer of sound insulativeness of partition. | |* |10) Rate to include for fixing of hard wood framing below false floor level as required. |* |11) Rate to be inclusive of GI corner protector angle of India Gypsum make. | |B-2 |CEILING & FLOORING | |1 |GYPBOARD CEILING :- Providing and fixing suspended false ceiling, which includes providing and| | |fixing GI perimeter channels of size 0. 55mm thick having one flange of 20mm and another flange| | |of 30mm and a web of 27mm along with perimeter of ceiling, screw fixed to brick wall/partition| | |with the help of nylon sleeves and screws at 610mm centers. The suspending GI intermediate | | |channel of size 45mm, 0. mm thick with two flanges of 15mm each from the soffit at 1220mm | | |centers with ceiling angle of width 25mmx 10mmx 0. 55mm thick fixed to soffit with GI cleat and| | |steel expansion fastene. Ceiling section of 0. 55mm thickness having knurled web of 51. 5mm and | | |two flanges of 26mm each with lips of 10. 5mm are then fixed to the intermediate channel with | | |the help of connecting clips and in direction perpendicular to the intermediate channel at | | |457mm centers. 12. 5mm tapered edge Gypboard (Conforming to IS- 2095-1982) is then screwed | | |fixed to ceiling section with 25mm dry wall screw at 230mm centers. Screw fixing is done | | |mechanically. |   |Finally the boards are to be jointed and finished so as to have a flush look which includes | | |filling as finishing the tapered and square edge of the boards with joining compound, paper | | |tape and two coats of primer suitable for Gypboard (as equivalent) extra frame work for | | |electrical fittings, A/C diffusers, and/or any other cutout, trap doors, wooden shadow battens| | |(hollock wood black enamel painted-25x40mm) at wall peripheries and ends, 12mm thick MDF board| | |for pelmet etc. complete including opening to be made for AC grills, light fittings, trap | | |doors etc. (The quoted ate shall be inclusive of suspenders at all heights) ( The rate to be | | |quoted including plastic emulsion paint) | |* For horizontal & vertical surfaces | |   |   | |2 |DOUBLE SIDE COVE LIGHT:- Providing and making double sided cove light in gypboard including | | |lastic emulsion paint. | |3 |SINGLE SIDE COVE LIGHT:-Providing and making single side cove lig ht in gypboard including | | |plastic emulsion paint. | |4 |ACOUSTIC CEILING TILE (WHITE) :- Providing and fixing of Armstrong Acoustical Ceiling system | | |with Dune Max Microlook edge Tiles with SILHOUTTE† grid and shadow angle of size 600x1600x18mm| | |laid on 24mm hot dipped galvanized steel suspension system.The tile should have thickness of | | |18mm and humidity resistance of 95% RH, average NRC 0. 7, sound attenuation of 20db, light | | |reflectance >84%. Thermal conductivity k= 0. 036 w/mk, colour white , fire performance 0/class | | |I (BS-476) Installation to comprise main runner spaced at 1200mm maximum centres. The last | | |hanger at the end of each main runner should not be greater than 450mm from the adjacent wall. | | |Flush fitting 1200mm long cross tees to be interlocked between main runner at 600mm centres to| | |form 1200x600mm module. Perimeter trim to be Armstrong wall angle of size 19x19x3000mm, | | |secured to wall at 450mm maximum centres. |5 |TRAP D OOR:- Providing and fixing trap door in false ceiling made of â€Å"Novapan â€Å"prelaminated | | |board , dead locks, lipping all around including all hardware, hinges etc. complete as per | | |design and drawing. | |6 |CEILING PELMETS;-Providing and fixing 19mm thick B. W. P pelmets with hard wood lipping and | | |fixied to ceiling with hard wood framing complete including painting. (as indicated in the | | |drawing) to take vertical blinds. | |7 |MOTORISATION SCREEN PELMET AT CEILING:- Providing and fixing motorisation screen pelmet of | | |size 150mm x150mm with hard wood and commercial board with edge lipping etc complete. | 8 |BACK PAINTED PLY:-Providing and fixing black painted 6mm thick commercial ply over hard wood | | |framing above pelmet as per Architects approval. | |9 |PROVIDING AND FIXING :- 6mm th. commercial ply backing on mineral fiber modular false ceiling| | |tiles to support light fitting, speakers, CCTV cameras, diffuser of grid work size with | | |necessary cut outs for the same. | |10 |AC GRILL PROTECTOR:- Providing and fixing 150mm wide, 4mm thick black painted commercial ply | | |behind AC grill to avoid visibility of the services above the false ceiling as per Architects | | |instruction. |B-3 |DOORS | |   |   | |* |All door frames to be braced from raw floor slab upto soffit of ceiling slab. All rates to | | |include requisite hard wood frame work to be provided below finish floor/false floor and | | |finished ceiling of supporting glazing section and floor springs. | |* |All 4mm thick veneer should be as per Architects approval & duly polished. | |* |All door fame to be seasoned best quality steam beech wood or duco painted as per | | |specification and Architects approval. |* |Flush door made out of boiling water proof kiln seasoned, styles, rails for minimum thickness | | |45mm & treated with preservatives as per IS:2002 | |* |All flush doors shutter lipping to be 12Ãâ€"45 melamine polished white beech wood or duco pain ted| | |as per specification and Architects approval. | |* |All wood to be treated with anti-termite and fireretardant paint. | |* |Contractor to prepare sample of all door frames, shutters and glazing type for Architects | | |approval. | |* |Contractor to submit sample board for all hardware for Architects approval. | |* |All seasoned white beech wood & veneer to be duly melamine polished as per Architects | | |approval. | |* |All laminate to be 1mm thick as approved by the Architects | |* |Contractor shall provide all necessary protection of glass until handover. |* |All glass doors/windows to be 12/10mm thick clear float tempered glass with mirror polished | | |edges. As per specification | |* |Cost to include 3M frost film (Crystal Quality) | |* |Joints between glazing in door/ windows to have silicon sealants. | |* |Glass in patch fitting door/windows to be 12mm thick with clear float tempered glass with | | |mirror polished edges. | |* |Wherever shown powder coated extruded al uminium transfer grill size would be as per drawing | | |or as mentioned in the boq. | |2 |ED2 (1000X2100) ,12mm thick single leaf tempered glass door .The rate should be inclusive of | | |all hardware , OZONE make door handle 25Ãâ€"1200 H shape 304 grade , floor spring FS9400, patch| | |lock OPL-1 , ceiling mounted door stopper, etc complete as per design and drawing. (Ent door) | |   |   | |3 |G1 (12670X2100) Door/fixed glazing 12mm thick tempered glass fixed with SS U channel at | | |floor and inside the ceiling, The rate should be inclusive of all hardware OZONE patch | | |fitting, top patch OPF-2, bottom patch OPF-3, OZONE make door handle 25Ãâ€"1200 H shape 304 | | |grade , floor spring FS9400, patch lock OPL-1 , ceiling mounted door stopper all complete as| | |per design and drawing. |4 |G2 (7800X2100) Door/fixed glazing 12mm thick tempered glass fixed with SS U channel at | | |floor and inside the ceiling, The rate should be inclusive of all hardware OZONE patch | | |f itting, top patch OPF-2, bottom patch OPF-3, OZONE make door handle 25Ãâ€"1200 H shape 304 | | |grade , floor spring FS9400, patch lock OPL-1 , ceiling mounted door stopper all complete as| | |per design and drawing. ( touchdown cafe ) | |5 |G3 (6530X2100) Door/fixed glazing 12mm thick tempered glass fixed with SS U channel at | | |floor and inside the ceiling and 4 nos 50X200 mm duco painted wooden mullions as/app, The | | |rate should be inclusive of all hardware OZONE patch fitting, top patch OPF-2, bottom patch | | |OPF-3, OZONE make door handle 25Ãâ€"1200 H shape 304 grade , floor spring FS9400, patch lock | | |OPL-1 , ceiling mounted door stopper all complete as per design and drawing. Touchdown | | |cafe ) | |6 |G4 (3300X2100) Door/fixed glazing 12mm thick tempered glass fixed with SS U channel at | | |floor and inside the ceiling, The rate should be inclusive of all hardware OZONE patch | | |fitting, top patch OPF-2, bottom patch OPF-3, OZONE make door handle 25Ãâ€"1200 H shape 304 | | |grade , floor spring FS9400, patch lock OPL-1 , ceiling mounted door stopper all complete as| | |per design and drawing. (Meeting room) | |7 |G5 (2230X2100) Door/fixed glazing 12mm thick tempered glass fixed with SS U channel at | | |floor and inside the ceiling, The rate should be inclusive of all hardware OZONE patch | | |fitting, top patch OPF-2, bottom patch OPF-3, OZONE make door handle 25Ãâ€"1200 H shape 304 | | |grade , floor spring FS9400, patch lock OPL-1 , ceiling mounted door stopper all complete as| | |per design and drawing. Meeting room) | |8 |G6 (3000X2100) Fixed glazing,12mm thick tempered glass fixed with Jeb Aerofoil/aero span | | |member fixed with SS U channel at floor and inside the ceiling, The rate should be inclusive | | |of all hardware OZONE patch fitting, top patch OPF-2, bottom patch OPF-3, OZONE make door | | |handle 25Ãâ€"1200 H shape 304 grade , floor spring FS9400, patch lock OPL-1 , ceiling mounted | | |door stopper all complete as per design and drawing. (Collaboration) | |9 |D1 (900X2100) ,38mm thick single leaf laminated flush door . The rate should be inclusive of | | |all hardware , OZONE make door handle 25Ãâ€"1200 H shape 304 grade , floor spring FS9400, patch| | |lock OPL-1 , ceiling mounted door stopper, etc complete as per design and | | |drawing. Pantry,store, Quite room) | |10 |D2 (1200X2100) Single leaf with vision panel (300Ãâ€"300) with wired glass, access controlled | | |door of non metallic 50mm thick asbestos free composite fire & smoke check shutter comprising | | |of two non – combustible boards 12mm thick sandwitching 20mm thick fire resistant filler of 2| | |hour fire rating resistance rating confirming to BS: 476 part-22 IS: 3614 suitable for | | |mounting on duco painted wooden frame of size 50X125 mm both side laminated, 2 hr. fire rated | | |vision glass panel with heat activated intumescent fire seal strip of size 12x4mm fixed on all| | |three sides except bottom and frame s hutter to be mounted with SS fire rated hinges with | | |necessary screws and one coat of anti termite fire resistant primer. Rate shall be inclusive | | |of all hardware OZONE make door handle 425 long OGH-55, OZONE door closer NSK 980 with track | | |arm and hold open function with SS cover, hinges, all complete as per design and | | |drawing. Server room) | |11 |(1800X2650) Double leaf Door comprising of 10mm thick toughened glass with Aluminium frame | | |of Alloy / To be Proposed by Designer/Vendor basis Acoustics and overall Aesthetic quality | | |having stainless steel handle 1200mm long 32 mm dia. Complete as per detail | |12 |(1200X2650) Single leaf Door comprising of 10mm thick toughened glass with Aluminium frame | | |of Alloy / To be Proposed by Designer/Vendor basis Acoustics and overall Aesthetic quality | | |having stainless steel handle 1200mm long 32 mm dia.Complete as per detail | |13 |(1000X2600) Single leaf Door comprising of 10mm thick toughened glass with Alum inium frame | | |of Alloy / To be Proposed by Designer/Vendor basis Acoustics and overall Aesthetic quality | | |having stainless steel handle 1200mm long 32 mm dia. Complete as per detail | |14 |(900X2600) Single leaf Door comprising of 10mm thick toughened glass with Aluminium frame of| | |Alloy / To be Proposed by Designer/Vendor basis Acoustics and overall Aesthetic quality having| | |stainless steel handle 1200mm long 32 mm dia. Complete as per detail | |C. BUILT IN FURNITURE | |1 |FULL HEIGHT STORAGE:- Providing & fixing Storage cabinets made out of 19mm commercial board | | |with 1 mm thick laminated shutter in facia and balancing laminate all inside adjustable | | |laminated shelves,50X12mm veneered finish band alaround, 20mm laminated groove, 50mm high | | |laminated skirting. Rate should be inclusive of necessary Hardware- 140high D shaped Hetitch | | |handle code no. 011869, Lock sets, self-closing hinges, spring loaded shutter latch inside, all| | |cabinet hardware to be HETITCH make & as/Architects approval. | |2 |ELECTRICAL D. B. CUPBOARD:- Providing & fixing cupboard for D. B. panel cabinets comprising | | |shutters constructed from 20mm thick. comm. board finished in 1mm thick. laminate. and | | |balancing laminate inside, carcass constructed from 19 mm thick.Bison Board all inside, | | |12Ãâ€"50 wooden band alaround, with 20mm groove, Provide 150Ãâ€"300 powder-coated aluminum louvered | | |grills on each shutter, requisite cutouts for ventilation above and servicing trap door below. | | |Rate should be inclusive of necessary Hardware- 140high D shaped Hetitch handle code no | | |011869, Lock sets, self-closing hinges, spring loaded shutter latch inside complete as per | | |Architects approval. | |3 |Fax Printer Counter SIZE( 3490X2100) :- unit to include base cabinet, overhead cabinets, | | |pinup boards in fabric and 12mm thick tempered glass cladding pasted with 3M digitally printed| | |graphic film fixed with SS studs.Base cabinet to have wire dump channel with brush & OH | | |cabinet to have lighting pelmet as shown Constructed from best quality water proof board / | | |plywood. Top to be manufactured out of 25mm thk HPL post formed MDF board. and 200 high | | |laminated finish band. All over head shutters to have laminate outside and counter-laminated| | |inside, partitions and shelves to be finished with 1mm thk. laminate on all sides, BR of | | |fabric to be RS 500/- per Rm. The rate shall be inclusive of all hardware- 140 HIGH D shaped | | |Hetitch handle code no 011869, self-closing hinges, spring loaded shutter latch inside,, | | |complete as per architect's approval. |4 |VENDING COUNTER SIZE (2915X2100) :- Providing and fixing break out vending counter includes | | |under counter storage , vending counter made of 40mm thick corian top over BWP,200 high corian| | |back splash,base cabinet made of laminated shutter of 19mm thick BWP with shelves and | | |partitions in balancing laminate, with 6mm thick saint g obain glass cladding above back splash| | |and 100mm high laminated skirting. The rate shall be inclusive of necessary hardware, 140 | | |high D shaped Hetitch handle code no. 011869 lock sets, self closing hinges, spring loaded | | |shutter, latch inside, all cabinet hardware to be†HETTITCH† or equivalent complete as per | | |Architects approval.. |5 |WORKING COUNTER:- Providing and fixing in position fixed work counter made of 25mm thick | | |HPL post form laminated top with key board tray and 3 drawer mobile pedestal unit and every | | |1200 length of the work counter over head storage unit and pin up board including all glues, | | |nails, sliding channel, bracket for support fixed to portition, hinges, 140 high D shaped | | |Hetitch handle code no 011869, multipurpose locks, wire manager etc. complete as per design | | |and drawing. | |6 |OVERHEAD STORAGE UNITS: Providing and fixing 350 deep & 600 high Overhead Storage Units at | | |constructed from best quality bwp comm. board shutters to have 1mm thick laminate outside & | | |counter laminated on inside. Internal partitions & shelves also to be laminated.Hardware140mm| | |high D shaped Hetitch handle code no 011869, Lock sets, self-closing hinges, spring loaded | | |shutter latch inside, all cabinet hardware to be of Hetitch make as approved by the Architect. | |   |TOTAL FOR BUILT-IN FURNITURE (RUPEES) | |   |   | |D. |LOOSE FURNITURE | |   |Fabricating supplying and placing in position various types of furniture made of Ist class | | |white beech wood, commercial/BWP ply/ board 4. 0mm thick steam beech veneer, 1. mm thick | | |laminate, brushed steel sheet, internal hardwood framing all necessary hard ware like nails, | | |screws, magnetic catchers, hinges, handles, knobs etc. complete as per design and drawing. | |1 |RECEPTION TABLE SIZE (2400X700X1190high) :- Made of corian panel, corian counter top and | | |laminate on under side of the top and on inner side of the panel, 3 draw er pedestal unit with| | |SS legs 140 high D shaped Hetitch handle code no. 011869 made as as per deign and drawing. | | |(BR of Corian to be taken as Rs 750/sft) | |2 |GUARD TABLE AT LOBBY:- TABLE SIZE (900X600X1000high) Combination of laminated commercial and | | |duco painted MDF in Z shape as per approval. |   |   | |3 |MEETING ROOM CREDENZA:- Fabricating supplying and placing in position meeting room credenza of| | |size 1500x400x750 high made of 32mm thick laminated finished top with PVC edge banding | | |laminate shutter, adjusable shelves, all internal surfaces to be laminated supported on SS | | |base 140 high D shaped Hetitch handle code no. 011869, locks etc complete as per design and | | |drawing | |4 |Providing and fixing of BROCHURE RACK of size 1500 & 100deep at top and 250 dep at bottom | | |made as per design and drawing. No | |5 |COMPANY LOGO:-Providing and fixing company logo (Nokia Siemens Networks) in 8mm thick acrylic | | |sheet pasted with digitally print ed graphic film. Complete as per Architects approval. |6 |PICTOGRAMS (SS Door Signage's): Providing and fixing Stainless Steel Finish pictograms over | | |doors, walls with double solid with 3M tape & images/ letters with silk screen printing | | |technology over all size of pictogram to be 148x147mm (To be got executed by Millennium | | |Business Associates) | |7 |FOLIO (SS Name Plate):- Providing and fixing folio with size of 200x45mm brushed SS sheet | | |stuck to surface with 3M double sided tape, letters in black coloured etching embossing fonts | | |as approved. (To be got executed by Millennium Business Associates) | |8 |FLOOR MATS :- Providing and fixing 3M Brand Nomad mat – 7150 poly vinyl coil loop design with | | |vinyl foam backing made as per manufacturers specification. |9 |WHITE BOARD :- Providing and fixing white magnetic board of Alkosign display system (Alkosign | | |) on wall and fixed with all necessary arrangement as per manufacturers specifications etc. | | |complete. | |* |1050Ãâ€"1200 | |* |1200 x 1200 | |* |1800 x 1200 | |   |   | |10 |ALUMINIUM/PENCIL TRAY FOR MARKER BOARD:-Providing and fixing aluminium tray below white marker| | |board for keeping accessories. |   |   | |11 |SLOTTED ANGLE RACK:- Fabricating, supplying and placing slotted angle rack of size | | |900wx2100hx600deep made as per manufacturers specification. | |12 |TACK BOARD :- Providing and fixing pin-up board made of 12mm thick cellotex / jelly board | | |fixed with kail wood frame work and 6 mm thick commercial ply backing covered with fabric | | |fixed to wall with screws surrounded with fabric steam beech wood lipping with melamine | | |polishing etc. complete as per design and drawing. (Basic rate of fabric to be taken as Rs. | | |250/meter) | |13 |TV BRACKET :-Providing and fixing TV bracket for wall mounting 29†³ Television set. |14 |TOILET MIRROR:-Providing and fixing 12mm thick tempered float glass pasted with 3M film | | |(crystal qualit y) as approved by the architect and mounted on four numbers 19mm dia brushed SS| | |studs, complete as per design and drawing. | |15 |SS TRASH BIN:-Supplying and placing in position SS trash bin 500 dia and 800 high as per | | |Architects approval. | |16 |DLINE MAKE TOILET ACCESSORIES | |   |Providing and fixing the following fixtures of Dline make SS brushed finish. | |* |Bottle opener (Item code 14. 7071. 02. 000) | |* |SS coat hooks | |* |Toilet paper holder | |   |Soap dispenser (Item code 14. 7045. 02. 002) | |* |Mini Waste paper basket 14. 7097. 02. 000 | |* |Waste paper basket 14. 7085. 02. 201 | |* |Wall mounted paper towel dispenser | |* |Supply of Dline satin stainless steel 316 grade grab bar. 14. 4614. 02. 300 | | |14. 4963. 02. 21 | |17 |TOILET ACCESSORIES | |   |Providing and fixing the following fixtures of Kimberly Clark/ Dream Craft make or equivalent | | |make | |* |Bottle opener | |* |SS coat hooks | |* |Toilet paper holder | |* |Soap dispenser (Kimb erly clark make) | |* |Soap dispenser (BOB BRICK make in brushed finish Code B-4112 26GB) | |* |Mini Waste paper basket (WC) | |* |Waste paper basket | |* |Push Bin (Code SE 4020T) | |* |Wall mounted paper towel dispenser | |* |Providing and fixing grab bar 600mm c. p. wall flange at end of bars with heavy duty anchor | | |fastner & accessories. (FOR HANDICAP TOILETS ONLY). |18 |FLOOR DIRECTORY: Providing and fixing wall mounted floor directory with slk screen printing | | |text of approved colour and consisting of the following plates | |* |1) 1 Nos, 4mm thick aluminum plates painted in dark Grey in colour of over all size 300x55mm. | |* |2) 8Nos, SS 316 grade plates of 2mm thick with over all size 300x30mm. | |19 |TRANSITION PROFILE:- P/F transiction profile of SS L-section 6mm thk between two different | | |flooring materials | |20 |URINAL PARTITION:-Providing and fixing of urinal partition in 12mm thick toughened glass with | | |frosted film fixed with SS bracket as per desig n and drawing. |21 |Wash basin with water sancer | |22 |American satndard WC | |23 |Plumbing & sanitary work | |24 |SOFA in reception area (images of proposed sofa to be submitted along with the quote) | |25 |Sofa chairs for pantry / breakout (images of proposed sofa chairs to be submitted along with | | |the quote) | |26 |Tables for pantry / breakout (images of proposed sofa chairs to be submitted along with the | | |quote) | |27 |Tables for reception sofa (images of proposed sofa chairs to be submitted along with the | | |quote) | |   |TOTAL FOR LOOSE FURNITURE (RUPEES) | |   |   | |E. |FINISHES | |1 |PLASTIC EMULSION PAINT (ICI Dulux make) on walls and gypboard/POP ceiling including surface | | |preparation, primer coats, leveling patti and minimum 3 coats of brush and roller finish. | |2 |PASTEL COLOUR:- Extra over Item No-1 of plastic emulsion paint but for pastel colour. | |3 |OIL BOUND DISTEMPER (O. B. D) :- Providing and applying O. B.D paint of desired colour finish or| | |equal including necessary base work, preparatory work. | |4 |PROVIDING AND FIXING SILICONE SEALANT around all toilet fixtures including urinals, WCs & wash| | |basins etc. | |5 |TEXTURE PAINT:-providing and applying texture paint on wall of approved brand and manufacturer| | |after scrapping, having the existing finish and applying primer coat. | |6 |ARMOUR COAT PAINT:- Providing and applying polished platser of Armourcoat or equivalent as of | | |approved colour on wall/ Ply surface including surface preparation primer coat as per | | |manufacturers specification. BR to be taken as Rs 160/sft) | |F. |SUPPORT SERVICES | |1 |Support services to modular furniture, Carpet vendor, chair supplier, and other furniture | | |suppliers including taking delivery of consignments brought to site,safe storage, removing | | |wrapping, moving and placing them at proper locations prior to final hand over. Coordination | | |and assistance to fire detection / supression and security systems vendor for their scope of | | |work | |G. Sprinkler works (including testing and commisioning) | |   |C. I butterfly valve of approved make,with nuts, bolts, gaskets, flanges, coupler etc. complete| | |as specified. | |   |Flap Type Non Return Valve | |   |G I. ‘C' Class pipes as per IS 1239 with Flanged , Screwed or welded joints with necessary | | |Specials, clamped to wall, beams or ceilings as per specifications with approved anchor | | |fastners; MS brackets,testing to 13. 5 Kg/Sq. cm hydraulic pressure after installation, and | | painting two coats of enamel paint of approved colour over two coats of primer. | |   |Conventional Sprinkler (pendant / upright) quartzoid bulb type with 15mm screwed end | | |connection of 68 deg. C. temperature rating,K 80 and orifice shall not be less than | | |6mm. Sprinklers shall be UL Listed / FM approved with Chrome finished. | |   |Rosette plate (Recessed type, in two piece) for Sprinklers below false ceiling area. ) Same | | |should be fabricated by M. S. plate of 2mm thick and the finish shall be powder coated and | | |color shall be as approved by architects / clients. | SPECIFICATION FOR CARPET | | | |SN |DESCRIPTION | |   |SUPPLY & LAYING OF CARPET AS PER THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATION | |   |   | |   |Threads | |   |   | |   |Specifications | |   |   | |1 |Fibre – 100% Nylon | |   |   | |2 |Yarn weight – 20 oz | |   |   | |3 |Backing – Non PVC | |   |   | |4 |Density – Greater than 4500 | |   |   | |5 |Gauge – 1/10 | |   |   | |   |Make : Shaw / interface / Milliken / Tandus / Bonar floor | | |Specifications- MEP WORKS | |Sr. No |Particulars | |   |SUMMARY | |A |M. V. SWITCHGEAR | |B |M